Binance Square
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[With a loss of 23.4 billion in 10 years, the goddess "Cut Orchid" finally resigned] During the 10-year period, a total of 3.3 billion in fund management fees were collected, plus the loss of 23.4 billion, which is equivalent to a total loss of 26.7 billion! For such a manager who has won many awards in the fund industry and has achieved such results, I believe that everyone here is better at investing with their toes than Grant! #美联储是否加息?

[With a loss of 23.4 billion in 10 years, the goddess "Cut Orchid" finally resigned]

During the 10-year period, a total of 3.3 billion in fund management fees were collected, plus the loss of 23.4 billion, which is equivalent to a total loss of 26.7 billion!

For such a manager who has won many awards in the fund industry and has achieved such results, I believe that everyone here is better at investing with their toes than Grant! #美联储是否加息?

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