Many people have been asking: How to learn to trade?

I would like to talk about this from my perspective of learning to drive. If you want to drive, first you have to take a driving test. Taking a driving test is a learning process in itself. You need a coach to guide you, and only when you have a driving license can you legally drive on the road. But there is no such thing as legal trading, but you still have to learn, right? Find someone who can prove that he can make money in trading to teach you, and just read the books of those predecessors, such as Jesse Livermore and Charlie Munger.

After getting a driver's license, you still can't drive, at least I can't, so I found a coach. After practicing for 20+ hours, the coach taught me how to steer, read route instructions, reverse into a garage, and park in a basement. We drove in the suburbs, the city, night roads, highways, urban villages, mountain roads... a set of systematic training routes. When I got my own car, I still found someone to teach me for a while, and then I deliberately drove a lot of roads by myself, including highways, the city center full of electric cars, at night, the township market full of old men, and unpaved dirt roads... I have been deliberately practicing actual combat. I drove nearly 2500KM before I felt that my skills were ready and there were no problems.

Therefore, after you have read some trading books, it is not enough. You still need to experience and practice. Only when you have experienced what you have learned can you deeply understand some of the principles taught by others. And what about people in the cryptocurrency circle? Let alone these systematic training courses, how many people who come to trade have read a book?

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