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Let me teach you another short-term money-making technique. It's actually very useful. I'd like to share an RSI data that I often look at. If it is greater than about 80, it indicates that the market is overbought, which means that it can be sold in the short term. If the RSI is below 30, it means the market is oversold, which means short-term buying is possible. I occasionally play short-term and often look at the 4-hour and daily charts. Note that RSI data sometimes needs to be viewed mixedly. Sometimes the 4-hour chart is 80, but the daily chart is only 65, indicating that there may be room for growth. Technical data is for reference only, and there is no absolute guarantee of profit or loss. It is also only applicable to short-term spot. Don't play short-term next year, it's easy to sell out. If someone really looked at my past news carefully, made multiple operations, bought and sold below $DYDX 2, and then sold at a higher price, they should have benefited a lot.

Let me teach you another short-term money-making technique. It's actually very useful. I'd like to share an RSI data that I often look at. If it is greater than about 80, it indicates that the market is overbought, which means that it can be sold in the short term. If the RSI is below 30, it means the market is oversold, which means short-term buying is possible.

I occasionally play short-term and often look at the 4-hour and daily charts. Note that RSI data sometimes needs to be viewed mixedly. Sometimes the 4-hour chart is 80, but the daily chart is only 65, indicating that there may be room for growth.

Technical data is for reference only, and there is no absolute guarantee of profit or loss. It is also only applicable to short-term spot. Don't play short-term next year, it's easy to sell out.

If someone really looked at my past news carefully, made multiple operations, bought and sold below $DYDX 2, and then sold at a higher price, they should have benefited a lot.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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很多人喷$ALT ,心情非常理解,我放在后面分析为什么币价始终弱势。先讲讲reALT吧,一句话概括就是再质押你的利息,让你质押的币产生复利效果。 可惜,Altlayer做的事情。非常不利于普通散户理解,而且官方营销也始终没有讲透科普好,导致在整个圈内,没什么声量。#ALT再质押生态 它的主要产品就2个,一个是再质押rollups,另外一个就是Rollup即服务,主要是面向项目方的。一个非常大的优势就是采用了任何rollups来通过再质押为其提供增强的安全性、互操作性、去中心化等。 其代币也是不是空气治理币,而是有经济债券、治理、协议激励和协议费用这4种功用。 还一个核心产品就是主动验证服务(AVS),运营商验证由 rollup 顺序器提交的区块和相应的状态,并在必要时提出欺诈证明挑战。它在技术上也是EigenDA最大共享,在EigenLayer生态系统中的地位也极高。 最后我扯一下币价吧。首先这个名字真的没取好,ALT在英文中是山寨的意思,虽然出现频率较高,却是个上不得台面的词。 其次,30多天后,价值1.6亿美元的代币解锁,造成了一定担忧,而且其中1.3亿美元属于顾问(大概率会抛)。 我们再去看Altlayer的解锁,大概在明年11月份(估计牛市已经快结束),总量的50%就解锁完毕,这个份额其实是相当高的。 而现在唯一真的减缓抛压的还是质押系统,现在年化率在14%。质押后取出来需要等20多天。 我提醒一下,如果它跌破0.3可以买点吧,拿去质押,搏一搏其他项目的空投,但一定记得,明年2月份之前,一定要申请取回,以免错过卖出时机造成很大损失。 多提一嘴,如果模块化$TIA 和再质押$PENDLE 热度能再起来,ALT接下来的表现,不会差。但是,也要有耐心,急不得。

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