BTC: RHODL indicator will be sideways for about half a year around the halving date of each mining output in history (yellow box interval in the figure)
This indicator is also in a hot adjustment😎
BTC: RHODL (Realized HODL Ratio), that is, the ratio of the number of BTC that has not moved on the chain for less than 1 week to the number of BTC that has not moved for 1-2 years (the number of BTC in different age groups needs to be weighted according to the total market value of the purchase cost of all BTC in their age groups).
The red line is the ⟨13-17 years⟩ segment of the indicator; the blue line is the ⟨17-21 years⟩ segment of the indicator; the black line is the ⟨21 years-to-now⟩ segment of the indicator. The three lines align the halving date of BTC mining output in each cycle.