When it is found that the daily, 4-hour or 1-hour trading volume is relatively reduced (relative reduction means that the trading volume is significantly smaller than the previous one), it must be taken seriously.

If the decline caused by the reduction is large, whether at a high or low level, there is a suspicion of inducing short selling.

If the increase caused by the reduction is large, the high level is likely to induce longs, and the low level may be regarded as a start signal.

Because the reduction means centralized and unified entry or exit, the trader who can operate funds in such a "militarized" way cannot be an aimless retail investor, but can only be a dealer.

The dealer is here to make trouble: create a large range of long or short in a short period of time, confuse retail investors, so as to achieve the purpose of inducing retail investors to chase the rise or cut losses.

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