Wealth code: copy spot BOME, not contracts. If you believe it, follow it. If you don't believe it, forget it. I can only say this much. There are big dealers absorbing chips. The more you buy, the fewer chips you have. Don't wait until 0.1, it will be too late. Buy one less, just hold it after you buy it, don't touch the contract. There are only so many chips in the market that are fully circulated. Buy 3 layers of your position, and you will make a lot of money when it reaches 0.1. You can buy the remaining 7 layers of the market, and hedge by buying B, E and S. In this way, the risk, profit and loss are all hedged. No matter what you do, it is the safest, and you will not lose money in the bull market. Don't be stupid to buy other value coins. In this bull market, all vc coins are cutting leeks. Only the market and local dogs can survive. There are only 5 types of market, namely B, E, S, BNB and OKB. At present, Bome is the most suitable for local dogs, because no matter from the market value price total amount compared with Shib, Pepe, Wif, Bonk, it is in a big advantage (personal analysis is for reference only)

$BOME $BOME $BOME #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美联储何时降息? #美联储何时降息? #加密市场反弹