#CryptoMarket Liquidations
At Last #Bitcoin takes their first breakout of $4.5k approx. Mean's Higher to Low is $44.7k to $44.2k.
A lots of Liquidations happened...
In the past 24 hours,
112,539 traders were liquidated,
The total liquidations comes in at $384.78 million while alone $312 Million of funds Liquidated in last 4 hrs., in which..
$297 Million of Long Positions, &
$15 Million of Short Positions
are Liquidated today now.
The largest single liquidation order happened on
OKX - $BTC -USDT-SWAP of $8.23 Million.
Major Exchange Liquidation are-
#OKX $141.35M with 45.36%
#Binance $83.49M with 26.79%
#Huobi $43.80M with 14.06%
Always DYOR before investing or Trade in Crypto at this volatile situations and Trade Wisely by using StopLoss in Crypto too.