Casper network is hacked and project management intervenes and stops all transactions

The Casper network has been compromised, requiring immediate action in cooperation with the Casper Association, CasperLabs, and network auditors.

Network use has been suspended to avoid any additional damage and ensure the security of accounts.

the details:

The breach was discovered by the Casper Network team, resulting in a temporary shutdown of several parts of the system.

Validators stopped transactions at block 3,329,418, stopping accepting any new transactions, including transfers, coinage, and staking signatures.

Casper Network's official channels have confirmed that the hack is under control and being actively investigated.

The same channels also confirmed that full details about the hack will be provided once the investigation is completed.

The group also promised to publish a comprehensive report after the investigation, as well as make any necessary changes to the network code, and make them available on Casper's GitHub repository.

Despite the hack, only a very few key accounts were affected.

CSPR, the network's cryptocurrency, continues to be traded on exchanges despite the cessation of blockchain activities.

The move aims to ensure liquidity and continuity for coin holders while addressing security issues.

It is worth noting that the price of the CSPR digital currency declined weekly from the level of $0.022 to its current level of $0.$019.
