The next outlet is already obvious

No matter who is elected, it is good for Bitcoin. The future should be an era of consensus economy to redistribute wealth.

The first stage of human beings is to distribute wealth by blood, because hunting can not be preserved and can only be shared and lived together, so there is a matriarchal society

The second stage evolved into the distribution of wealth by power. For example, the kings in ancient times all redistributed wealth around power

The third stage has evolved into the redistribution of wealth by capital. Having power does not necessarily mean that you have the ability to maximize the use of capital. Instead, people with capital monopolize resources and redistribute resources

The next stage of wealth distribution for humans will obviously gradually evolve into the redistribution of wealth by consensus.

The total revenue of many companies comes from a celebrity in the company, such as Dongfang Zhenxuan Dong Yuhui, such as Apple's Steve Jobs, etc.

Including the last round of Musk calling dogs, it is also a way to redefine wealth by establishing consensus.

So, in the future, we can only follow the consensus to get the next outlet.

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