🥳🤩 Why Ethereum Will Go Past $5,000

Ethereum's latest debacles have stunned us all. With the constant crashes in price and the frequent projects that keep being rugged, it's time to discuss why on earth ethereum will skyrocket past 5000$ within this year (2023). 

If we take a look at ethereum's biggest competitors, we can see the top 5 cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Bitcoin is relatively interesting as it coincides with ethereum on every topic imaginable such as blockchain functions and community project upbringing.

The majority of ethereum users love ethereum as they want their money to obviously grow in size. This brings us back to the topic of this article. I propose Bitcoin ETFs. Bitcoin will skyrocket past 100,000 and I actually have another article that goes into depth on this exact debacle. 

Regaredless, Bitcoin ETFs will flood the cryptocurrency market with institiutional money which would 100% work with ethereum and not against ethereum.

More institutional money = higher token prices = your coins are now valued at a higher pricepoint which means you've just profited. At the currency prices, the majority of cryptocurrencies will likely 3x-100x realistically speaking.

XRP doubled in price over a 2 hour timeframe due to the outcome of 1 court room session.

That's mind boggling, now just imagine what'd happen when the SEC deems that bitcoin would be a recognized currency that you can now trade with teh protection of the U.S government.

This would be absolutely livid. That's all for today's article. I know it seems all over the place, or maybe it doesn't. It's all upto your perception and angle on this topic. 

Cheers, I hope you've enjoyed this article but more importantly absorbed the information inside of this article in an efficient manner.