BTC mainly depends on the closing of today's daily and weekly levels to see whether the integer level of 60,000 can stabilize. If the market stabilizes, and the market does not fall below 58,000 before the 18th, the market may see a turning point, which belongs to the bullish side. From the current trend, the daily support point is at 58,000 points, and the key point is still at the 55,600-56,000 range. Currently, the daily and weekly lines focus on the 60,000 mark.
ETH fell back to 3050 on Friday and then rushed to the 3200-3230 range. Today, it reached around 3200 points, but the rebound strength of the two cakes is less than that of the big cake, and it is not as strong as the big cake. At the daily level, pay attention to the support point of the 3080-3120 range. The effective support point remains unchanged. Pay attention to the 2960-3000 range.
The market has many changes, and it is still mainly wait-and-see recently. , there are currencies that have rebounded. Those who did not exit in the early stage, now you have the opportunity to exit and wait and see. Don't think that the bull market has started when it rises, and don't think that you will definitely exit when it rebounds when it falls. 交硫隇👗: xntm566 Everyone's idea is to be afraid of missing out on every round of rising market, and hope to buy at the bottom and rise as soon as they buy. They say that they would rather be trapped than miss out, but when they are really trapped, there will be a lot of early knowledge. How can there be so many early knowledge? The market is a test of human nature. When you are trapped, you think that you can leave as long as you get your money back, but when you get your money back, you think it can still rise. Whether the bull market is coming, you will not leave if you can make money. When it rises, you hope to make more and realize freedom in this wave. This is all human greed. Recall the quote from God K: (I don't know how many people still remember) #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析 #TON #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息?