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MicroStrategy's stock will split 1 to 10🐮
MicroStrategy announced on July 11, 2024 that its board of directors has decided to implement a 1-for-10 stock split plan for Class A and Class B common stock, and it is expected that the stock will start trading on August 8 after the split.
MicroStrategy is known as Little Grayscale in the cryptocurrency circle, and it is crazy to buy. This split is not only good for the company, but also for the cryptocurrency circle.
Just like the GAL split, it rose by dozens of points, and the MicroStrategy stock split is easier for retail investors to enter the market. When the stock rises, the company can raise more money. After MicroStrategy has more money, they only do one thing, which is to buy Bitcoin. Even though the Bitcoin price was 66,000 some time ago, MicroStrategy bought 12,000.
The company's stock rises, more funds are raised, and Bitcoin is bought. When Bitcoin rises, the stock is more valuable, and then more money is used to buy coins. It is really an awesome cycle.
Founder Michael Saylor's pinned tweet: "Bitcoin is a group of wasps serving the goddess of wisdom. It feeds on the fire of truth, hides behind a wall of encrypted energy, and becomes smarter, faster, and stronger at an exponential rate."