Swap any token to/from at least $5 worth of ETH, USDT, USDC, wBTC or wETH on iZiSwap via zkLink Nova
1.Navigate to iZiSwap on Binance Web3 Wallet.
2.Connect to Binance Web3 Wallet and switch to zkLink Nova
3.Select the exchange assets, where the asset listed on top is what you want to sell, and the asset listed at the bottom is what you want to buy. Make sure you have sufficient ETH to cover the gas fee.
4.Input the amount of tokens you would like to exchange and approve the token (for non-native tokens). Please note how much slippage tolerance you are willing to accept, and you can set it via the "⚙️" button.
5.Tap the “Swap” button and confirm the transaction on your Binance Web3 Walle