▸ Computing sector: $DBC, $OPSEC, $IO, $NOS, $ATH, $CLORE, $OCTA, $RNDR, $AIUS.

▸ DATA sector: $AKT, $NYM, $GRASS, $OCEAN, $GRT, $CHEQ, $AIT, $TRAC.

▸ Layers sector: $CUDOS, $LAT, $TRAC, $GMRX, , $AIOZ, $KDA, $ORAI, $NEAR.

▸ AI Agents sector: $CQT, $AGI, $NAI, $ELNA, $OORT, $FET, $OLAS.


▸ Storage sector: $STOS, $AR, $SC, $STORJ, $JKL, $ALEPH, $FIL.

Amazon invested $4B in the AI sector.

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Amazon's investment of $4B in the AI project @AnthropicAI is significant, especially considering the Crypto AI sector's total value is just $25B.

The involvement of giants like Amazon could greatly boost this sector.

AI coins are AI-based crypto assets that enhance user experiences, scalability, and security in blockchain networks.

The potential for expansion, enhanced usability, and continual improvement with AI projects is extensive.

AI innovations are reshaping the future of every industry, propelling emerging technologies like big data, robotics, and IoT forward.

→ Generative AI is pushing the boundaries and popularity of AI even further.

AI drives a transformative shift in the crypto narrative, improving how digital currencies are traded and managed.

→ Here are several ways AI is making an impact:

▸ Security
▸ Supply Chain
▸ Financial services
▸ Data Storage

Introducing Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (ZKML).

▸ Which merges AI's capabilities with blockchain's security.

Tools like the ZK Predictor by Upshot and Modulus Labs demonstrate how AI can enhance smart contracts and unlock new potentials in blockchain applications.

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