Binance Charity #SewMasksForAll Campaign To Empower Kenyan Women


Binance Charity, the philanthropic arm of Binance, in collaboration with Tech+Love foundation, is fundraising for the women in the MamaToTheRescue project with an aim to strengthen the Kenyan economy and empower women with new, sustainable, technical skills. Through the #SewMasksForAll campaign, Binance Charity will source and donate sewing machines - creating job opportunities for local women. These sewing machines will then be distributed and adequately utilized by these women for the production of face masks, which will be sold for profits - feeding thousands of individuals through the Mama To The Rescue food drive. The Binance Charity #SewMasksForAll campaign is dedicated to:1. Eliminating hunger2. Providing job opportunities 3. Alleviating households from poverty4. Tackling the COVID-19 pandemicAll these will help create a much-needed upswing in economic activity. 

According to the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2020, women in Kenya are significantly less present than men in the labor market, resulting in a gender gap index of 0.598. Similar reports show that women are more likely to be unemployed than men. As a result, several women operate outside their economic potential, and closing the gender wage gap remains a priority globally. Binance Charity is committed to increasing the representation of women in the workforce, removing the barriers that keep women from realizing their potential, and helping them on their path to a better future.

Research shows that the impact of empowering women financially is incredible, taking into account their ability to raise the living standard of the entire household. Through the #SewMasksForAll campaign, Binance Charity aims to drive growth, reduce poverty and alleviate the sobering economic impact of the current times on vulnerable individuals and communities.

“Poverty remains widespread in Kenya. Beyond finding ways to support these families economically, this project helps women battle other issues, such as gender inequality. Sometimes the underprivileged need help and access to the right set of tools to get on the right track of beating socio-economic problems,” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity. “Hopefully, one day we can see families be self-sustained and have every child go to school - to become financially independent and better equipped to break out of poverty.”

The project to sustainably empower women will kick off in Kenya, targeting 20 women. To reach this goal, Binance Charity is raising $5,000 to source and donate sewing machines to MamaToTheRescue. 


To donate and support these incredible women *

*Donations accepted in BNB, BUSD, ETH, BTC and XRP.

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