Cambodia | Binance Academy - Future Trading


Binance Academy - Future Trading course! Win up to $200 in BUSD

The Binance Academy Future Trading  course helps beginners learn how to trade in Binance Future. If you've never traded before, getting started could be confusing. However, with some planning and a lot of research, you could build a trading strategy that's logical and works for you. To start on your trading journey, you need to have some training to make it work. If you've always wanted to learn to trade but have no idea where to begin, then this course is for you.

There will be a 1 hour session that is taught live by a cryptocurrency trader based on your market. We would recommend for the new traders to join from the session till the end. To join the class, you will need to fill the form below to be eligible for the rewards. The class will teach via Binance LIVE. To access to Binance Live and participate in the course, you will need to have Binance Account. In case you do not have a Binance account, Sign up using this link for new users to be eligible for reward.

Register to join the training course 

Course Syllabus: 







(UTC +7)

How to Start Trading in Future

1. How to open a Binance Futures account

2. How to fund your Binance Futures account

3. Binance Futures interface guide

4. How to adjust your leverage

5. Cross Margin and Isolated margin

6. Binance Futures UI 


For  Users:

  • Participants need to register to join the course  HERE 

  • This course will be taught via BINANCE LIVE. 

  • To join Binance live, students need to have a Binance Account. 

  • Sign up using this link for new users to be eligible for reward.

  • This course will be conducted in local languages & english.  

  • Users have to follow & like all Binance social media under your location. 

    • Cambodia - Facebook, Telegram

    • Like & Share Page with the hashtag #BinanceFuture,  #BianceKH  (first 10 sharer) get $5 reward

  • Only users from Cambodia will be eligible to participate in this program.

  • Users need to join Binance live 


  • All users enrolled in the program will have perks on all upcoming Binance events or campaigns.

  • All users who participate in the course will have a chance to win the rewards by engaging with instructors during livestream.

Reward : $200 in BUSD

  •  Users who participate in the course will have a chance to be eligible for BUSD reward & Binance Swag. 

Reward 1

Value (BUSD) 

Total Winner

Total Prize

Users who participate first 15 people




Reward 2

Value (BUSD)  

Total Winner

Total Prize

Q & A




Reward 3

Value (BUSD) 

Total Winner

Total Prize

20 First Future Traders in 7 days after Livestream




Reward 4

Value (BUSD)  

Total Winner

Total Prize

Like & Share Page with the hashtag 

#BinanceFuture,  #BianceKH




Fill in the Survey & Join among first 50 ppl





Terms & Conditions:

  • Participants need to register to join the course  HERE 

  • Users can redeem their cash voucher by opening the Binance app > Account > Reward Center > Redeem your cash voucher. If you don’t have the Binance app, download it here.

  • Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of the activity.

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