#CryptoAgainstCOVID - Japan Initiative Fundraising Campaign
From June 12 to June 26, Binance Charity Binance Charity will initiate a fundraising campaign in Japan. We will donate 100% of the raised funds to Japan to help them in their brave fight against the pandemic. In addition, Binance will match the #CryptoAgainstCOVID contributions for Japan by making a 1:1 match donation. All raised funds will be used on the procurement of essential medical supplies and donated to medical institutions throughout Japan.
On behalf of Japan and Binance Charity, we invite you to join and support the heroes and affected fighting against the pandemic. With our combined efforts, we hope to prevent the decline in nursing staff and provide those in need with necessary supplies.
Even a small donation can make a big change
Even a small donation of a few BNB can make a big change in the lives of the people affected by the virus. Our transparent donation system allows you to track the journey of all donations made via Binance Charity, and verify how we distribute the donated funds. Let’s make the world a better place for all of us.
For all donations, please add tag “-Japan” to your full name when making a donation through the Binance Charity donation page.
Binance Charity in Japan
As of 9 June, COVID-19 has infected over 17,000 people and took over 900 lives in Japan. Japan struggles to maintain social distancing effectively. The island nation is slightly smaller than the state of California and has almost three times the population, a whopping 130 million people.
Through our #CryptoAgainstCOVID social media campaign and partnership within Japan, Binance has extended its charity division to provide PPE supplies to institutions during this pandemic. With the field support of Miss Bitcoin, Mai Fujimoto, Binance Charity, and many more donors, we have donated a total of 10,000 protective masks to the Japan Federation of Care Business Providers and the National Federation of Nursing Care Providers. With the warmest regards, Chairman Tetsuhide Noguchi of the Japan Federation of Kaigo Business Providers responded to Binance Charity with open arms and appreciation. Our current contribution of 10k face masks will help fight the shortage of nursing staff in Japan and reduce the risks they're facing every day at their work.
Beyond the initial donation to the Japan National Welfare Center, we have also donated 100,000 masks to hospitals across Japan, which are currently on their way.
However, with over 1.2 million practicing nurses, Japan needs much more than what we could offer. Join us and help Japan overcome this healthcare crisis by helping the elderly, emergency staff, marginalized communities, and those in need.
Thanks to our #CryptoAgainstCOVID Japan fundraising partners...
double.jump.tokyo Inc.
My Crypto Heroes, a project developed by doublejump.tokyo, will host a charity raid from June 17th to 20th. We’ll donate JPY equal to 100% of the GUM currency used to buy hero CE during the raid term. Players will receive a collectible "Binance Charity Medal" for their participation.
Crypto Games Inc.
CryptoSpells, a blockchain game operated by CryptoGames Inc. will donate 70% of the revenue from the Binance Charity collaboration card sale. The Binance Charity collaboration card “Red Dragon” is going to be on sale from June 16 to June 29. In addition, we will donate the entire participation fee for the “CryptoSpells Binance Charity Tournament” held on June 27.
Contract Servant, a blockchain game developed and operated by AXELMARK INC. will donate 10% of the sales of the token sale held from June 16 to 18. In addition, they made an announcement about this initiative on their online media Blockchain Game Info.
Anique Inc.
Anique is a platform that utilizes blockchain technology to turn Japanese anime, manga, games, etc. into unique digital artworks and create a brand new experiences for the fans of the artworks. Anique will be donating 3% of the revenue from June 13th to June 30th.
Raimu Inc.
"Spotlight", managed by Raimu Inc., is an SNS platform that allows the distribution and purchase of creative digital content by using Bitcoin Lightning Network. From June 13 to June 30, all tips and purchase amounts from the articles created relevant to Binance's #CryptoAgainstCOVID Charity, will be donated in full. We invite you to join our effort!
Gentosha Inc.
The “New Economy (https://www.neweconomy.jp/)” is one of the most famous blockchain and cryptocurrency specialized media in Japan and is run by Japanese publisher “Gentosha”. The “New Economy” holds learning webinars for blockchain beginners and donates the revenue.
Quan Inc. and Linker Inc.
Sell the 3-years exclusive license of the character called Meow Town through an auction with the minimum bid for 150ETH and donate 75% of its selling price.
The Crypto Times is donating 30% of CRYPTO TIMES display advertising and 50% of the total number of banner slots sold at a discounted price during the charity period.
Also, we thank our #CryptoAgainstCOVID Japan media partners!
About Binance Charity
Binance Charity Foundation (BCF) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing blockchain-enabled philanthropy towards achieving global sustainable development. To date, Binance and Binance Charity have coordinated the donation of 1.42 million masks, 53,000 PPE suits, and 50,000 gloves to 24 countries in need.
Join Binance Charity and our donors to help fight the coronavirus around the world. Every donation matters. Even a small donation can save a life. Together, let's help those in need.
Follow us on Twitter (@BinanceBCF) to see our updates and events we have planned to support our endeavors of bridging blockchain technology and philanthropy in Japan.