Binance Charity Donations for Wuhan | Phase 3 Report


Two months since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has made great progress in controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus. Therefore, Binance Charity Foundation is offering its third and final disclosure of the “Binance for Wuhan” donation campaign. In total, seven batches of medical supplies reached 124 hospitals, medical teams, and commands. With their arrival, “Binance for Wuhan” is completed. 

In the third phase of donation, aside from masks, protective suits, gloves, and more items, Binance Charity also donated 1,000 germicidal lamps. These lamps were sent to Wuhan University People’s Hospital, which then distributed them to 74 medical teams and health centers, as well as the hotels that accommodated the medical teams. Germicidal lamps can produce ultraviolet (UVC) light that can result in the deactivation of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, providing a clean living and working environment for the medical teams. 

Although now the virus is currently under control in China, the situation has gotten worse globally. The virus spreads in countries like the U.S., Iran, Italy, France, the Republic of Korea, and dozens more at a high speed. With the number of infected people increasing rapidly, medical supplies have become scarce worldwide. 

Binance Charity is planning to offer help to coronavirus-affected countries by delivering qualified medical supplies to hospitals and communities. Binance Charity also looks forward to collaborating with government and medical institutions worldwide to provide whatever we can to support the battle against the virus. We’ll disclose further details of this worldwide initiative soon.

Binance for Wuhan Donation Disclosure (March 23)








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