Binance Charity and Integro Foundation Commit $1 Million to Crypto Against COVID Campaign


Binance Charity, the world’s first blockchain-powered donation platform dedicated to advancing transparent philanthropy, has announced its partnership with non-profit, Integro Foundation to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in the Caribbean.Integro Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides philanthropic resources to Puerto Rico, Caribbean Islands and the Amazon rainforest, with programs designed to revive areas in critical need with the goal to empower humans, plants, animals and natural resources to survive and thrive.

Through Binance Charity’s Crypto Against COVID campaign, Binance Charity & Integro Foundation will be committing $1 million USD to support COVID-19 relief efforts in Puerto Rico and throughout the Caribbean. Integro Foundation has committed $333,000 USD towards the campaign, with Binance Charity matching this commitment 2:1, resulting in a total of $1 million USD in cryptocurrencies. 

The $1 million USD commitment will go towards providing PPE medical supplies to hospitals and first responders in Puerto Rico and neighbouring Caribbean islands.

In September 2017,  Puerto Rico and neighbouring Caribbean islands battled two devastating hurricanes - Hurricane Irma on September 7 and Hurricane María on September 20 - which led to widespread destruction. In the last three years, Puerto Rico has struggled to recover amidst an unprecedented financial crisis, multiple earthquakes and more - leading to a shaky infrastructure struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. ‹‹In addition,  according to the WHO, as of April 26, 2020, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide has exceeded 2.6 million and the number of deaths surpassing 193,000. 

“The most important element of human life is to show compassion and help others as we can, without the limitation or restriction of borders. Blockchain technology enables this in greater capacities than ever before and Binance Charity wishes to bring this to the masses,” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity.

Launched on March 24 2020,  Binance Charity’s Crypto Against COVID campaign aims to raise $5 million USD in cryptocurrencies (BNB, BTC, BUSD and XRP) to be spent primarily on buying medical supplies for affected regions globally. Binance led this effort with an initial donation of $1 million USD and an additional donation of $1 million USD through the #CryptoAgainstCOVID social media campaign. In addition, Binance will match $2 million USD of public donations received. Click here to donate and learn more.

As of today, April 30, a total of $3.7 million USD has been raised from Binance and public donations (including $333,000 from Integro Foundation) - with more than 40 crypto companies in alliance to support the campaign. At present, medical supplies have been shipped to various affected countries, including 10,000 protective suits to Turkey and 400,000 masks to Italy.

“We have tremendous gratitude for the people in the front lines supporting our healthcare system. This initiative is our way to support the true heroes: the first responders and medical workers with the tools required to protect themselves during this crisis.” said Brock Pierce, Integro Foundation Chairman.

Binance Charity maintains its mandate of 100% transparency. All transactions will be published in full transparency through the blockchain-based donation portal. Any hospital demands or sources of medical supplies and shipping aid willing to help in this cause, please reach out to:

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