Why #ai will not harm the #Metaverse , but will enhance it instead.
Virtual Reality was the trend, then the Augmented Reality, both still fighting their place in Web3, and now, AI has surpassed all indicators of success and popularity that the Metaverse had not so long ago.
But the concept of The Metaverse (which is far from being dead, check the article on this topic), is still there and of course, the trending question this days...
Are they enemies or potential allies?

They are not only allies. They are a perfect match. 😍
Of course, there is a lot to be seen in both sides and the scenario can change drastically, but everything indicates that will be to empower each other.
Let us review this upcoming and inevitable relationship.
AI has been the seed of the concept of the metaverse itself. Why now think that should be a divorce between them? 🤔
On the contrary, AI is the technological environment in which The Metaverse will be able to scale faster than ever. 🚀
Here some points of the AI+Metaverse as a winning combination: 👇
Assets, Tools and Enviroment Development: We are in front of the full impact of the generative AI, focused on generating content from existing and ever growing data. We are talking about images, music, animation & video. We all have seen the power of AI on generating this kind of content from scratch. With the proper guidence, the different spaces within the metaverse will scale much faster in the development of this items giving them their own identity.

All this will also evolve in the autogeneration and constant evolution of the creativity, a fundamental part of an everchanging environment such as The Metaverse.
NPC's and Interaction with the environment: Another of the most powerful uses of AI today is assistance through text or voice. One of the biggest challenges of the metaverse, when this term involves the use of Extended Reality (virtual or mixed) is the control of the interface. From hardware application, conection with real daily life, to several languages that AI learns and can be applied in the entire game-like Metaverse experience without having to replace every single text or voice in each language.
And more, the famous NPCs, which have always served (with their limitations) to naturalize scenarios and see life in the environment, now the intelligence of these NPCs can reach the point of being almost indistinguishable from a human.

Finally, AIOps.
With the inclusion of AIOps, machine learning, big data and analytics resources can join this union of technologies, to collect and aggregate huge volumes of data generated by IT infrastructure, Apps and monitoring applications, identify patterns around system performance and availability, solve incidents or inform those responsible so that they are the ones who make decisions based on data.
Huge. Simply huge. A perfect match.
This are just hints of the infinite combinations of AI+Metaverse in their collaboration.
There are many more and yet unknown. Lets wait and see...
*Written by Matias Calzada for Xave World Academy on #Binance Feed