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Zhao Changpeng is a real man. In order to protect the interests of the majority of investors, he did not choose to run away, but chose to take the initiative to take responsibility.I woke up early on the weekend and there was not much to say about the recent ups and downs in the market. The whole internet has been eating melons these two days. The melon about Xu Bo is enough to be talked about for several days! In my opinion, this kind of blessing will be squandered by him sooner or later. His virtue is not worthy of his position, and the cycle of cause and effect has led to his current situation. As a person, no matter who you are, how much wealth you have, or what you do, your intentions must be positive. If your intentions are wrong, they will backfire sooner or later. Next, let’s talk about the fact that cz Zhao Changpeng was sentenced to three years in prison. Many friends are worried about their safety.

Zhao Changpeng is a real man. In order to protect the interests of the majority of investors, he did not choose to run away, but chose to take the initiative to take responsibility.

I woke up early on the weekend and there was not much to say about the recent ups and downs in the market.

The whole internet has been eating melons these two days. The melon about Xu Bo is enough to be talked about for several days!

In my opinion, this kind of blessing will be squandered by him sooner or later. His virtue is not worthy of his position, and the cycle of cause and effect has led to his current situation.

As a person, no matter who you are, how much wealth you have, or what you do, your intentions must be positive. If your intentions are wrong, they will backfire sooner or later.

Next, let’s talk about the fact that cz Zhao Changpeng was sentenced to three years in prison. Many friends are worried about their safety.
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Bull market 7 criteria for choosing a 100 times coin! !The bear market is an opportunity for the poor to turn around, and time will give you generous returns. If you don't persist at the right time, you will not be rich. Regarding spot and cryptocurrency, please follow me and I will give you a strong ambition. The bear market is the best time to deploy a hundred times the currency! According to the author's observation, every bull market will give birth to several or more Bs with hundreds of times increase. Through review, we can summarize that there are several common characteristics and some core elements and conditions: First: it must be issued in 2022-2023. New currency; many friends don’t understand why it is a new currency and not an old currency. There is game theory in it. After an old project has experienced a bull market and then a bear market, it will be a huge damage to the confidence and belief of currency holders. Think about the project side's perspective. The capital cost of pulling up an old project is far greater than the capital cost of issuing a new project. Moreover, new projects have new narrative logic; it is easier to pull up without a lock-in, so choosing a new currency is the right choice. The probability of success is higher; and it also needs to go through a long period of bottoming, and the bottom monthly level has excessive volume and signs of major capital accumulation. Second: With unlimited imagination, it is best to change the production and lifestyle of all mankind; only through the scientific and technological revolution of disruptive innovation can such projects gather a strong consensus. For example, ChatGPT launched by OpenAI in 2023 brings disruptive innovative applications of artificial intelligence. In short, it requires capital support from the world's top investment institutions; institutions have better comprehensive judgments on technological revolutions than ordinary people, and are more likely to form a herd effect. Third: The most suitable market value is less than 100 million U.S. dollars. A small market value is a prerequisite. The probability of a market value greater than 500 million U.S. dollars is very small. Secondly, the fundamentals must be the investment background of core well-known institutions in the circle and the endowment of top IP traffic. able. (Refer to Musk empowering DOGE dog B) Fourth: Timing is very important. First of all, a good environment is needed. It must be at the end of a bear market and the beginning of a bull market. How to specifically judge whether it is a bear market or an early bull market? The reference standard is the Federal Reserve currency. The policy will prevail. If the interest rate hike comes to an end, the market may bottom out early and start a new round of market conditions. At present, the Fed's interest rates have reached a high level, and it is imminent to stop raising interest rates. As for when to enter the interest rate cutting cycle, it mainly depends on whether inflation drops to 2%. For the medium and long-term layout, the time for 100-fold B should be at the end of 2023.Fifth: During this period, focus on high-quality projects that attract market attention and are invested by well-known institutions. For example, the Ethereum second-layer network currently on the market is a sector where major investment institutions focus on investment, such as artificial intelligence. Sector, L2/Yuanverse application, game, defi and Hong Kong sector, etc., ten projects were selected for in-depth exploration, sorting out the project founding team, what investment institutions are behind it, and in-depth analysis of how the project is applied upstream and downstream. It is best to experience it yourself. Let’s talk about the project process. Generally, good projects have interactive airdrop rewards. Sixth: As the saying goes, if a project has its own traffic, major exchanges must be rushing to list it, so it depends on whether the project is listed on the world's largest exchanges, including B'an, coinbaes, okx, etc.; the exchange is the traffic portal; Those who are not admitted will not be considered. Because there is no need to waste time on good projects that have not been discovered by even more professional organizations than us. Not to mention copycat projects, especially Chinese projects, there are too many projects that collect IQ taxes in the currency circle and the projects are packaged in such a colorful way that it is difficult to guard against them. Many people cannot tell the difference. If ordinary people want to dig deeper into the information about the founding team and investment institutions behind it, they can use the chatgpt software to complete the project background investigation first and then consider whether to invest and how much to invest. Seventh: The iron law of making money in the currency circle is to speculate on the new and not the old. In essence, it is a new storyline and a new narrative. The early creative cohesion of the team is also the best period. The shortcomings of the project have not been exposed and it is easy to open up people's imagination. . Of course, if it is not an old project, there will be no iron trees blooming. The probability is very small. This is true for companies and people. After we select projects with 100-fold potential, it is best to establish a self-selected pool of no more than 10 projects. Be careful not to buy a full position immediately, but to observe the market sentiment and buy in multiple batches when the B price adjusts. Remember not to You can't hold it on the exchange like this. After buying it, mention it to your wallet. It is best if this wallet is not used frequently so it is easy to manage and is not easy to be stolen. If you can do the above, you have basically experienced more than two rounds of bulls and bears in the B circle. Old leeks understand what the author said and heartily understand it. If you make a lot of money in the currency circle and more than millions, you don’t need to read various news every day. , you can go to work or travel, it’s best if you don’t even have to watch the game;In a bear market, you can invest in B with a hundredfold potential; in a bull market, you can just sell. People say that it is more difficult to stay in B than to be a widow. The difficulty is that our attention is too high, but it is easy to fail to get a hundredfold or a thousandfold return. Judging from the market value ranking, in March 2020, among the top 600 B types by market value, 61 hundred-fold B types (secondary market) were born. Among the top 100 B types by market capitalization, 100x coins were born, with a total of 11, accounting for 18%, namely #BNB, #LINK, #ADA, #DOGE, #VET, #SNX, #SOL, #THETA,#HOT, #ENJ, #LUNA, Old B has a new narrative and a new growth point. For example, BNB and BSC chains broke away from a single exchange proxy. Among the top 100-300 B types in market capitalization, 21 hundred-fold B coins were born, accounting for 34.4%. Among the B types with market capitalization in the top 300-600, 22 were born, accounting for 36%. Based on the above judgment, there are only a handful of qualified Bs. The author lists several FET, SSV, RNDR, CFX, etc. and pay attention to them. Observe. Friends who have poor timing, like, favorite and follow. The above opinions are for reference only. Please refer to it carefully as an investment basis! Enter the small circle sou has the same name

Bull market 7 criteria for choosing a 100 times coin! !

The bear market is an opportunity for the poor to turn around, and time will give you generous returns. If you don't persist at the right time, you will not be rich. Regarding spot and cryptocurrency, please follow me and I will give you a strong ambition. The bear market is the best time to deploy a hundred times the currency! According to the author's observation, every bull market will give birth to several or more Bs with hundreds of times increase. Through review, we can summarize that there are several common characteristics and some core elements and conditions: First: it must be issued in 2022-2023. New currency; many friends don’t understand why it is a new currency and not an old currency. There is game theory in it. After an old project has experienced a bull market and then a bear market, it will be a huge damage to the confidence and belief of currency holders. Think about the project side's perspective. The capital cost of pulling up an old project is far greater than the capital cost of issuing a new project. Moreover, new projects have new narrative logic; it is easier to pull up without a lock-in, so choosing a new currency is the right choice. The probability of success is higher; and it also needs to go through a long period of bottoming, and the bottom monthly level has excessive volume and signs of major capital accumulation. Second: With unlimited imagination, it is best to change the production and lifestyle of all mankind; only through the scientific and technological revolution of disruptive innovation can such projects gather a strong consensus. For example, ChatGPT launched by OpenAI in 2023 brings disruptive innovative applications of artificial intelligence. In short, it requires capital support from the world's top investment institutions; institutions have better comprehensive judgments on technological revolutions than ordinary people, and are more likely to form a herd effect. Third: The most suitable market value is less than 100 million U.S. dollars. A small market value is a prerequisite. The probability of a market value greater than 500 million U.S. dollars is very small. Secondly, the fundamentals must be the investment background of core well-known institutions in the circle and the endowment of top IP traffic. able. (Refer to Musk empowering DOGE dog B) Fourth: Timing is very important. First of all, a good environment is needed. It must be at the end of a bear market and the beginning of a bull market. How to specifically judge whether it is a bear market or an early bull market? The reference standard is the Federal Reserve currency. The policy will prevail. If the interest rate hike comes to an end, the market may bottom out early and start a new round of market conditions. At present, the Fed's interest rates have reached a high level, and it is imminent to stop raising interest rates. As for when to enter the interest rate cutting cycle, it mainly depends on whether inflation drops to 2%. For the medium and long-term layout, the time for 100-fold B should be at the end of 2023.Fifth: During this period, focus on high-quality projects that attract market attention and are invested by well-known institutions. For example, the Ethereum second-layer network currently on the market is a sector where major investment institutions focus on investment, such as artificial intelligence. Sector, L2/Yuanverse application, game, defi and Hong Kong sector, etc., ten projects were selected for in-depth exploration, sorting out the project founding team, what investment institutions are behind it, and in-depth analysis of how the project is applied upstream and downstream. It is best to experience it yourself. Let’s talk about the project process. Generally, good projects have interactive airdrop rewards. Sixth: As the saying goes, if a project has its own traffic, major exchanges must be rushing to list it, so it depends on whether the project is listed on the world's largest exchanges, including B'an, coinbaes, okx, etc.; the exchange is the traffic portal; Those who are not admitted will not be considered. Because there is no need to waste time on good projects that have not been discovered by even more professional organizations than us. Not to mention copycat projects, especially Chinese projects, there are too many projects that collect IQ taxes in the currency circle and the projects are packaged in such a colorful way that it is difficult to guard against them. Many people cannot tell the difference. If ordinary people want to dig deeper into the information about the founding team and investment institutions behind it, they can use the chatgpt software to complete the project background investigation first and then consider whether to invest and how much to invest. Seventh: The iron law of making money in the currency circle is to speculate on the new and not the old. In essence, it is a new storyline and a new narrative. The early creative cohesion of the team is also the best period. The shortcomings of the project have not been exposed and it is easy to open up people's imagination. . Of course, if it is not an old project, there will be no iron trees blooming. The probability is very small. This is true for companies and people. After we select projects with 100-fold potential, it is best to establish a self-selected pool of no more than 10 projects. Be careful not to buy a full position immediately, but to observe the market sentiment and buy in multiple batches when the B price adjusts. Remember not to You can't hold it on the exchange like this. After buying it, mention it to your wallet. It is best if this wallet is not used frequently so it is easy to manage and is not easy to be stolen. If you can do the above, you have basically experienced more than two rounds of bulls and bears in the B circle. Old leeks understand what the author said and heartily understand it. If you make a lot of money in the currency circle and more than millions, you don’t need to read various news every day. , you can go to work or travel, it’s best if you don’t even have to watch the game;In a bear market, you can invest in B with a hundredfold potential; in a bull market, you can just sell. People say that it is more difficult to stay in B than to be a widow. The difficulty is that our attention is too high, but it is easy to fail to get a hundredfold or a thousandfold return. Judging from the market value ranking, in March 2020, among the top 600 B types by market value, 61 hundred-fold B types (secondary market) were born. Among the top 100 B types by market capitalization, 100x coins were born, with a total of 11, accounting for 18%, namely #BNB, #LINK, #ADA, #DOGE, #VET, #SNX, #SOL, #THETA,#HOT, #ENJ, #LUNA, Old B has a new narrative and a new growth point. For example, BNB and BSC chains broke away from a single exchange proxy. Among the top 100-300 B types in market capitalization, 21 hundred-fold B coins were born, accounting for 34.4%. Among the B types with market capitalization in the top 300-600, 22 were born, accounting for 36%. Based on the above judgment, there are only a handful of qualified Bs. The author lists several FET, SSV, RNDR, CFX, etc. and pay attention to them. Observe. Friends who have poor timing, like, favorite and follow. The above opinions are for reference only. Please refer to it carefully as an investment basis! Enter the small circle sou has the same name
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The essence of making money in the cryptocurrency worldAs an old investor, I just want to share these useful terms with you for your use. These are our valuable experiences gained from going through several bull and bear cycles, and winning or losing hundreds of millions. I hope to give a reminder to those friends who are thinking of entering this circle or want to make a little money in this circle. It is also my blessing to reduce the time you spend taking detours. For those who have not yet attained enlightenment and have never made a lot of money, this rare summary of experiences and lessons is like a treasure. If you find it useful after reading it, you can give it a thumbs up. If not, just take it as a passing melon. The essence of wanting to make money in the cryptocurrency world

The essence of making money in the cryptocurrency world

As an old investor, I just want to share these useful terms with you for your use. These are our valuable experiences gained from going through several bull and bear cycles, and winning or losing hundreds of millions.

I hope to give a reminder to those friends who are thinking of entering this circle or want to make a little money in this circle.

It is also my blessing to reduce the time you spend taking detours.

For those who have not yet attained enlightenment and have never made a lot of money, this rare summary of experiences and lessons is like a treasure.

If you find it useful after reading it, you can give it a thumbs up. If not, just take it as a passing melon.

The essence of wanting to make money in the cryptocurrency world
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Life needs three bull and bear cycles to get richInsights from 8 years of web3 speculation An ordinary person If there is no one to lead the way, to guide you, you have to rely on yourself to understand Basically, you have to go through three bull and bear cycles to make big money. And it takes some talent and a little luck... 1/First cycle Ordinary people lack information, resources, background, and guidance. Therefore, only when the media reports extensively will people pay attention to the market. When you first enter the market, you have no idea what fear and cruelty are. Although your investment is not large, you are ambitious and have made great achievements. You have never felt that making money is so easy.

Life needs three bull and bear cycles to get rich

Insights from 8 years of web3 speculation

An ordinary person

If there is no one to lead the way, to guide you, you have to rely on yourself to understand
Basically, you have to go through three bull and bear cycles to make big money.
And it takes some talent and a little luck...

1/First cycle

Ordinary people lack information, resources, background, and guidance.

Therefore, only when the media reports extensively will people pay attention to the market.

When you first enter the market, you have no idea what fear and cruelty are.

Although your investment is not large, you are ambitious and have made great achievements. You have never felt that making money is so easy.
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"2024 Buffett Shareholders Meeting: 10 core viewpoints revealed!"Last night, the annual Buffett shareholders meeting was held in the small town of Omaha in the United States, attracting the attention of all investors around the world. One person was missing from the shareholders' meeting - Buffett's "golden partner" Charlie Munger, who died in November 2023 at the age of 99. A film paying tribute to Munger was also played at the opening of the meeting. After Buffett took the stage, he said that in memory of the late Munger, "Poor Charlie's Almanack" would be the only book on sale at this year's shareholders' meeting. In previous years' shareholders' meetings, there were usually about 25 books on sale.

"2024 Buffett Shareholders Meeting: 10 core viewpoints revealed!"

Last night, the annual Buffett shareholders meeting was held in the small town of Omaha in the United States, attracting the attention of all investors around the world.

One person was missing from the shareholders' meeting - Buffett's "golden partner" Charlie Munger, who died in November 2023 at the age of 99.

A film paying tribute to Munger was also played at the opening of the meeting. After Buffett took the stage, he said that in memory of the late Munger, "Poor Charlie's Almanack" would be the only book on sale at this year's shareholders' meeting. In previous years' shareholders' meetings, there were usually about 25 books on sale.
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Others are panicking, I am greedy, I am always rightThe depth of this wave of altcoin adjustments has definitely exceeded most people's expectations. The maximum adjustment is 70%. I guess few people here still have the courage to buy at the bottom. The vast majority They are all fully invested! The main contradiction is that market expectations are too high. Since the United States passed the BTC spot ETF, the market has not undergone sufficient adjustments. Market expectations are too high, and current liquidity does not support a bearish pull in the market. So sooner or later you have to pay the debt From the end of last year to the high point in March, the accumulated profits were not small. This wave of adjustments is understandable. The adjustments of many high-quality targets provide everyone with opportunities to make money.

Others are panicking, I am greedy, I am always right

The depth of this wave of altcoin adjustments has definitely exceeded most people's expectations.

The maximum adjustment is 70%. I guess few people here still have the courage to buy at the bottom.

The vast majority

They are all fully invested!

The main contradiction is that market expectations are too high. Since the United States passed the BTC spot ETF, the market has not undergone sufficient adjustments.

Market expectations are too high, and current liquidity does not support a bearish pull in the market.

So sooner or later you have to pay the debt

From the end of last year to the high point in March, the accumulated profits were not small.

This wave of adjustments is understandable. The adjustments of many high-quality targets provide everyone with opportunities to make money.
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At this time, 50% of investors who bought Bitcoin through ETFs have not made any money, and the selling pressure will become smaller and smaller. Brothers, persistence is victory✌️
At this time, 50% of investors who bought Bitcoin through ETFs have not made any money, and the selling pressure will become smaller and smaller. Brothers, persistence is victory✌️
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To make a fortune, a man only needs to seize one important opportunityLess words, more information The Bitcoin and Ethereum markets were relatively sluggish before the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting on May 2. It is healthier to wash it after callback, so boil it! By the way, by reviewing the opportunities and chances brought about by major events that have occurred in the past few years, if you seize any one of them, it will be enough to change your destiny. When Meng Wanzhou was arrested at the end of 2018, I went to buy semiconductor funds. In 2020, when Wuhan was locked down, I went to buy a medical fund. In 2020, the Bank of China's crude oil treasure incident, go buy Huabao Oil and Gas. In 2020, the U.S. stock market was halted continuously and crude oil fell to negative numbers. When Buffett was shocked, he bought U.S. stock funds and went long on commodities.

To make a fortune, a man only needs to seize one important opportunity

Less words, more information

The Bitcoin and Ethereum markets were relatively sluggish before the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting on May 2.

It is healthier to wash it after callback, so boil it!

By the way, by reviewing the opportunities and chances brought about by major events that have occurred in the past few years, if you seize any one of them, it will be enough to change your destiny.

When Meng Wanzhou was arrested at the end of 2018, I went to buy semiconductor funds.

In 2020, when Wuhan was locked down, I went to buy a medical fund.

In 2020, the Bank of China's crude oil treasure incident, go buy Huabao Oil and Gas.

In 2020, the U.S. stock market was halted continuously and crude oil fell to negative numbers. When Buffett was shocked, he bought U.S. stock funds and went long on commodities.
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Is it true that cryptocurrency trading can also lead to poverty, despair and a comeback?The fifth is poverty, the sixth is despair, and the seventh is a turnaround It is a proverb in the stock market, which describes a market phenomenon. That is, the stock market may perform poorly in May, the situation may be even worse in June, and then the market may improve in July. This term originated in the Hong Kong stock market in the 1980s and 1990s and later spread to the A-share market. Now it has been introduced into the cryptocurrency circle, and the current funding side of the cryptocurrency circle is also in line with international Wall Street. It is likely that there will be some cyclical patterns to follow. Of course, this statement is not a scientific law, but an empirical summary based on past market performance.

Is it true that cryptocurrency trading can also lead to poverty, despair and a comeback?

The fifth is poverty, the sixth is despair, and the seventh is a turnaround

It is a proverb in the stock market, which describes a market phenomenon.

That is, the stock market may perform poorly in May, the situation may be even worse in June, and then the market may improve in July.

This term originated in the Hong Kong stock market in the 1980s and 1990s and later spread to the A-share market.

Now it has been introduced into the cryptocurrency circle, and the current funding side of the cryptocurrency circle is also in line with international Wall Street. It is likely that there will be some cyclical patterns to follow.

Of course, this statement is not a scientific law, but an empirical summary based on past market performance.
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With these changes in data, the time for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates is getting closer!The preliminary value of the S&P Global Manufacturing PMI in the United States in April was 49.9, the lowest in four months; the preliminary value of the S&P Global Services PMI in the United States in April was 50.9, the lowest in five months; the preliminary value of the S&P Global Composite PMI in the United States in April was 50.9, the lowest in four months. The US manufacturing index PMI is below 50. In the high-interest environment, the economic recession is obvious! The sharp drop in Asian market currencies a few days ago corresponded to a sharp shrinkage in assets in various countries. After the release of today's PMI data, non-US currencies rose collectively. So I infer that the Fed’s interest rate cut may come soon!

With these changes in data, the time for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates is getting closer!

The preliminary value of the S&P Global Manufacturing PMI in the United States in April was 49.9, the lowest in four months; the preliminary value of the S&P Global Services PMI in the United States in April was 50.9, the lowest in five months; the preliminary value of the S&P Global Composite PMI in the United States in April was 50.9, the lowest in four months.

The US manufacturing index PMI is below 50. In the high-interest environment, the economic recession is obvious!

The sharp drop in Asian market currencies a few days ago corresponded to a sharp shrinkage in assets in various countries. After the release of today's PMI data, non-US currencies rose collectively.
So I infer that the Fed’s interest rate cut may come soon!
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Will Bitcoin (BTC) break new highs after halving? SSV is a currency that is waiting for an increase and trading in wavesThe market rebounded for two days over the weekend. The rebound trend continues today. Before Bitcoin breaks through the previous high, the main trend is rebound. The probability of a direct breakthrough is relatively small at present, and the high probability is to fluctuate until the end of the month and wait until the monthly line is closed. Don't be greedy in the short term, buy low and sell high appropriately After Bitcoin's monthly line is closed, the probability of another large-scale breakthrough is higher After the Bitcoin halving, the difficulty of mining has increased, and the cost of mining and energy and electricity have risen. The impact on the existing business of traditional Bitcoin miners may not be significant. However, the additional business volume will greatly increase the entry threshold into the mining circle.

Will Bitcoin (BTC) break new highs after halving? SSV is a currency that is waiting for an increase and trading in waves

The market rebounded for two days over the weekend.

The rebound trend continues today. Before Bitcoin breaks through the previous high, the main trend is rebound.

The probability of a direct breakthrough is relatively small at present, and the high probability is to fluctuate until the end of the month and wait until the monthly line is closed.

Don't be greedy in the short term, buy low and sell high appropriately

After Bitcoin's monthly line is closed, the probability of another large-scale breakthrough is higher

After the Bitcoin halving, the difficulty of mining has increased, and the cost of mining and energy and electricity have risen.

The impact on the existing business of traditional Bitcoin miners may not be significant.

However, the additional business volume will greatly increase the entry threshold into the mining circle.
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As of 2023, there are 5,346 listed companies in China's A-share market. As of 2023, there are 5,825 listed companies in the US stock market, including delisted companies. As of 2024, there are 1,556 currencies launched on Binance, excluding inscriptions on the chain, local dogs, etc. Based on the above data, we can draw a conclusion Combining the above data, it shows that the market capacity is approaching the number of listed companies in major economies, and there will be more and more junk coins, and a full bull market in the market is almost impossible. The coins or listed companies listed are all here to make money, and after the market matures, the structural bull market is the main theme. It is especially important to step on the main line of the market‼ ️ If you still hold the old concept of buying coins, it is almost difficult to make money‼ ️ Follow me through the bull and bear!
As of 2023, there are 5,346 listed companies in China's A-share market.

As of 2023, there are 5,825 listed companies in the US stock market, including delisted companies.

As of 2024, there are 1,556 currencies launched on Binance, excluding inscriptions on the chain, local dogs, etc.

Based on the above data, we can draw a conclusion

Combining the above data, it shows that the market capacity is approaching the number of listed companies in major economies, and there will be more and more junk coins, and a full bull market in the market is almost impossible.

The coins or listed companies listed are all here to make money, and after the market matures, the structural bull market is the main theme.

It is especially important to step on the main line of the market‼ ️

If you still hold the old concept of buying coins, it is almost difficult to make money‼ ️

Follow me through the bull and bear!
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Let's talk about the fastest falling market! I'm so excited. I can buy more of the coins I like. The pullback of high-quality coins is a great opportunity to get on board. I reviewed the 100-fold coin link in the last bull market and it didn't rise all the way to 100 times. It also experienced several cuts in the middle. I captured the pictures at that time for your reference.
Let's talk about the fastest falling market!

I'm so excited. I can buy more of the coins I like. The pullback of high-quality coins is a great opportunity to get on board.

I reviewed the 100-fold coin link in the last bull market and it didn't rise all the way to 100 times. It also experienced several cuts in the middle. I captured the pictures at that time for your reference.
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Follow the flies to the toilet, follow the bees to the flowersDuring the weekend, domestic and foreign financial markets were closed, and the cryptocurrency market experienced two days of recovery. My weekends are spent shopping with my family and eating to kill time. Now that I’m full and satisfied, I can sit down and review my thoughts. Follow the flies to find the toilet, follow the bees to find the flowers, and follow the operations of the main funds in the market and you will always get the desired results. Bitcoin's trend is healthy and stable, basically oscillating around the upper and lower edges of the box. As long as there is no strong breakthrough in the short term, the rebound trend will be the main focus. Short-term players will pull back to take the lead and sell high, which are the main operating rhythms of this box-shaped oscillation structure.

Follow the flies to the toilet, follow the bees to the flowers

During the weekend, domestic and foreign financial markets were closed, and the cryptocurrency market experienced two days of recovery.

My weekends are spent shopping with my family and eating to kill time. Now that I’m full and satisfied, I can sit down and review my thoughts.

Follow the flies to find the toilet, follow the bees to find the flowers, and follow the operations of the main funds in the market and you will always get the desired results.
Bitcoin's trend is healthy and stable, basically oscillating around the upper and lower edges of the box.

As long as there is no strong breakthrough in the short term, the rebound trend will be the main focus. Short-term players will pull back to take the lead and sell high, which are the main operating rhythms of this box-shaped oscillation structure.
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Will the Bitcoin halving in 2024 repeat the trend after the Bitcoin halving on May 11, 2020?Looking back at the trend chart of Bitcoin after the halving in 2020, we can find that after the halving, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has increased due to the reduction in supply. On the day of halving, the price bottomed out and rebounded, and then it started to rise all the way, rising from around 10,000 US dollars to a high of 69,000 US dollars in 2021. Let’s review What are the important events in the rise of Bitcoin from 2020 to 2021? 1. Bitcoin's third halving: On May 12, 2020, Bitcoin completed its third halving event in history, with the block reward reduced from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This event is widely expected to reduce Bitcoin's supply growth, which could push up its price.

Will the Bitcoin halving in 2024 repeat the trend after the Bitcoin halving on May 11, 2020?

Looking back at the trend chart of Bitcoin after the halving in 2020, we can find that after the halving, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has increased due to the reduction in supply.

On the day of halving, the price bottomed out and rebounded, and then it started to rise all the way, rising from around 10,000 US dollars to a high of 69,000 US dollars in 2021.

Let’s review

What are the important events in the rise of Bitcoin from 2020 to 2021?

1. Bitcoin's third halving: On May 12, 2020, Bitcoin completed its third halving event in history, with the block reward reduced from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This event is widely expected to reduce Bitcoin's supply growth, which could push up its price.
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Keep calm, calm down, the bull market in the cryptocurrency world will come sooner or laterJudging from the current situation It will take some time for the overall environment to recover, but this has caused us who are in the environment to always feel a bit depressed and a little suffocated in our hearts. It's unpleasant, it's just being tired. Because I actually feel the same way as you do. So what should we do? Should we just be like those people who give up on themselves and complain about everything all day long? Definitely not. The investment market is all about finding certainty in an uncertain environment. So what are certain? This is what we need to think about and learn, how to find the underlying logic supporting the bull market from massive short videos and trivial information.

Keep calm, calm down, the bull market in the cryptocurrency world will come sooner or later

Judging from the current situation

It will take some time for the overall environment to recover, but this has caused us who are in the environment to always feel a bit depressed and a little suffocated in our hearts.

It's unpleasant, it's just being tired.

Because I actually feel the same way as you do.

So what should we do? Should we just be like those people who give up on themselves and complain about everything all day long?

Definitely not. The investment market is all about finding certainty in an uncertain environment.

So what are certain?

This is what we need to think about and learn, how to find the underlying logic supporting the bull market from massive short videos and trivial information.
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The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has approved the issuance of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs. Will this usher in a new doubling of prices?Today is a milestone on the road to the digital economy On April 15, China Asset Management (Hong Kong) obtained approval from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to provide virtual asset management services to investors. It now plans to issue ETF products that can invest in Bitcoin spot and Ethereum spot. China Asset Management (Hong Kong) and its partners OSL Digital Securities Co., Ltd. and custodian BOCI Prudential Trust Co., Ltd. are conducting research and deployment on this. In addition, OSL is the exclusive trading and custody partner for the Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs launched by China Asset Management in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has approved the issuance of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs. Will this usher in a new doubling of prices?

Today is a milestone on the road to the digital economy

On April 15, China Asset Management (Hong Kong) obtained approval from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to provide virtual asset management services to investors. It now plans to issue ETF products that can invest in Bitcoin spot and Ethereum spot.

China Asset Management (Hong Kong) and its partners OSL Digital Securities Co., Ltd. and custodian BOCI Prudential Trust Co., Ltd. are conducting research and deployment on this. In addition, OSL is the exclusive trading and custody partner for the Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs launched by China Asset Management in Hong Kong.
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We can also distinguish right from wrong through historical experience. In 2022, I reviewed the trend of Bitcoin during the war between Russia and Ukraine. The trend of bottoming out and rebounding did not start a new downward trend until after April. At that time, it was a bear market cycle, and the incident did not change the downward trend. I believe that the current trend of Bitcoin will not change due to the confrontation between Iran and Israel. So I firmly believe in holding low-priced chips.
We can also distinguish right from wrong through historical experience. In 2022, I reviewed the trend of Bitcoin during the war between Russia and Ukraine. The trend of bottoming out and rebounding did not start a new downward trend until after April. At that time, it was a bear market cycle, and the incident did not change the downward trend.

I believe that the current trend of Bitcoin will not change due to the confrontation between Iran and Israel.

So I firmly believe in holding low-priced chips.
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The End of AI is Energy Focus on POWR's Strategic OpportunitiesThe development and application of AI technology is driving changes in all walks of life, especially in the energy sector. The end of AI is energy, and this statement is mainly based on the following reasons: 1. Huge growth in energy consumption: With the rapid development of AI technology, especially the widespread application of large AI models such as ChatGPT, the demand for energy from data centers and computing facilities behind them has increased dramatically. For example, although the computing capacity of the Frontier supercomputer exceeds that of the human brain, its energy consumption is about 1 million times that of the human brain. This means that if AI technology is more widely used, its energy consumption will increase exponentially.

The End of AI is Energy Focus on POWR's Strategic Opportunities

The development and application of AI technology is driving changes in all walks of life, especially in the energy sector. The end of AI is energy, and this statement is mainly based on the following reasons:
1. Huge growth in energy consumption: With the rapid development of AI technology, especially the widespread application of large AI models such as ChatGPT, the demand for energy from data centers and computing facilities behind them has increased dramatically. For example, although the computing capacity of the Frontier supercomputer exceeds that of the human brain, its energy consumption is about 1 million times that of the human brain. This means that if AI technology is more widely used, its energy consumption will increase exponentially.
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The late spring cold is coming, you need to be more determinedIt’s hard to describe this market situation. How smooth it was last year is how bad this year is. The overall position has now retreated by 30%. Should I panic? As an old investor who has experienced the third bull-bear cycle, I am definitely not panicking at all with the current drop... On the contrary, I feel that the decline in some stocks is an opportunity! After all, the stock I wanted to buy before had risen too much and was too expensive, but now it’s really discounted, so I’m happy. Because I can add some more positions for the tickets I want to buy! Today I added some positions in the main artificial intelligence sectors, including RNDR, vanry, and video infrastructure LPT.

The late spring cold is coming, you need to be more determined

It’s hard to describe this market situation. How smooth it was last year is how bad this year is. The overall position has now retreated by 30%.

Should I panic? As an old investor who has experienced the third bull-bear cycle, I am definitely not panicking at all with the current drop...

On the contrary, I feel that the decline in some stocks is an opportunity!

After all, the stock I wanted to buy before had risen too much and was too expensive, but now it’s really discounted, so I’m happy.

Because I can add some more positions for the tickets I want to buy!

Today I added some positions in the main artificial intelligence sectors, including RNDR, vanry, and video infrastructure LPT.
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