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Recent ETF outflows show signs of being unsustainable. Yesterday, there was another net outflow of 11.3 million, of which the main outflow of funds still came from Grayscale, with a single-day outflow of 43.4 million. In contrast, BlackRock recorded a net inflow of 14.2 million, and the inflow of funds from other institutions was relatively limited. This trend shows that market funds are gradually maintaining balance, and the activity of buying and selling is decreasing. The trading volume of Hong Kong ETFs has not exceeded 3 million US dollars per day. These data show that the cryptocurrency market is entering a period of adjustment. After seven consecutive months of growth, the trading volume of global crypto transactions fell for the first time in April, which further confirmed the view that the market is in a period of adjustment. Large institutions and listed companies have completed their purchase plans, and the halving market has also prompted some holders to sell assets. In terms of altcoins, as the overall market recovers, various sectors generally show an upward trend. Traditional sectors such as AI, RWA and MEME performed well. In the field of AI, since Apple mentioned RNDR's software Octane in the M4 chip promotional video, RNDR soared, driving the rise of similar track projects such as AKT, AR, and WLD. The entire AI sector has formed a linkage effect. Market analysis shows that Bitcoin has been supported near 60,000, but lacks sufficient trading volume support, and will still face the possibility of testing the support level in the short term. The key support level is around 58,000. If effective support can be obtained at this position, it will mean the end of the market adjustment. Ethereum's performance is relatively weak compared to Bitcoin, mainly affected by securities issues. The SEC has characterized Ethereum as a security, which has brought challenges to the launch of ETHETF. In addition, the decline in on-chain transaction volume has also put pressure on ETH. Although the market outlook for ETH is not optimistic in the short term, it still has potential in the long run. Important institutions believe that ETH will win the lawsuit against the SEC, and the ETF to be launched in the future will also be approved. In the current market, the market value share of copycat currencies is on the rise. Once the trend line is broken, it will usher in an outbreak period. Copycat currencies led by Ethereum are the focus of attention. In the Ethereum series, SSV, LDO, RPL, FXS, ANKR and other LSD sectors are worth investing in. In addition, ARB, OP, STRK, METIS, IMX, MINA and other L2 sectors also have investment value.In addition, ETC, ETHFI and ETHW, which are about to be halved, are also worth paying attention to. The SOL ecosystem and AI sector are still the focus of attention. In the AI ​​sector, GRT, NFP and LPT are the key projects recommended by me. In the SOL ecosystem, WIF, LINK, JTO, TNSR and PYTH are also worth paying close attention to. Finally, ONDO is recommended as an investment currency. It has strong technical aspects and promising market value prospects. It is expected to become a Binance spot token in the future. Overall, the current market is at the historical bottom range, and every pullback is a good opportunity to enter the market.

Recent ETF outflows show signs of being unsustainable. Yesterday, there was another net outflow of 11.3 million, of which the main outflow of funds still came from Grayscale, with a single-day outflow of 43.4 million. In contrast, BlackRock recorded a net inflow of 14.2 million, and the inflow of funds from other institutions was relatively limited. This trend shows that market funds are gradually maintaining balance, and the activity of buying and selling is decreasing. The trading volume of Hong Kong ETFs has not exceeded 3 million US dollars per day. These data show that the cryptocurrency market is entering a period of adjustment. After seven consecutive months of growth, the trading volume of global crypto transactions fell for the first time in April, which further confirmed the view that the market is in a period of adjustment. Large institutions and listed companies have completed their purchase plans, and the halving market has also prompted some holders to sell assets.

In terms of altcoins, as the overall market recovers, various sectors generally show an upward trend. Traditional sectors such as AI, RWA and MEME performed well. In the field of AI, since Apple mentioned RNDR's software Octane in the M4 chip promotional video, RNDR soared, driving the rise of similar track projects such as AKT, AR, and WLD. The entire AI sector has formed a linkage effect.

Market analysis shows that Bitcoin has been supported near 60,000, but lacks sufficient trading volume support, and will still face the possibility of testing the support level in the short term. The key support level is around 58,000. If effective support can be obtained at this position, it will mean the end of the market adjustment.

Ethereum's performance is relatively weak compared to Bitcoin, mainly affected by securities issues. The SEC has characterized Ethereum as a security, which has brought challenges to the launch of ETHETF. In addition, the decline in on-chain transaction volume has also put pressure on ETH. Although the market outlook for ETH is not optimistic in the short term, it still has potential in the long run. Important institutions believe that ETH will win the lawsuit against the SEC, and the ETF to be launched in the future will also be approved.

In the current market, the market value share of copycat currencies is on the rise. Once the trend line is broken, it will usher in an outbreak period. Copycat currencies led by Ethereum are the focus of attention. In the Ethereum series, SSV, LDO, RPL, FXS, ANKR and other LSD sectors are worth investing in. In addition, ARB, OP, STRK, METIS, IMX, MINA and other L2 sectors also have investment value.In addition, ETC, ETHFI and ETHW, which are about to be halved, are also worth paying attention to.

The SOL ecosystem and AI sector are still the focus of attention. In the AI ​​sector, GRT, NFP and LPT are the key projects recommended by me. In the SOL ecosystem, WIF, LINK, JTO, TNSR and PYTH are also worth paying close attention to.

Finally, ONDO is recommended as an investment currency. It has strong technical aspects and promising market value prospects. It is expected to become a Binance spot token in the future. Overall, the current market is at the historical bottom range, and every pullback is a good opportunity to enter the market.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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特朗普在一场私人晚宴上表示支持加密货币的发展,与拜登政府形成鲜明对比。此举引发加密社区热议,反映了加密货币在美国大选中的重要性。特朗普承诺阻止加密企业离开美国,强调拥抱加密需留住相关产业。与此同时,拜登政府则反对众议院通过的亲加密决议,坚持其对加密货币行业的监管立场。这一立场对比凸显了加密货币成为未来大选热门议题的可能性,而国内外政治力量对此的态度也将深刻影响着行业未来发展。 特朗普的支持行动不仅仅是口头上的表示,而是通过参加私人晚宴并推出NFT(非同质化代币)活动来表达。晚宴上,特朗普与购买他NFT作品的主要买家进行了交流,同时对加密货币市场发表了支持态度,尤其是对一些主流加密货币的态度。这次活动不仅让特朗普的声音在加密社区中引起了轰动,还推动了与他相关的NFT代币的价格上涨。 在拜登政府方面,他们对众议院通过的支持加密货币行业的决议持反对态度。这一态度背后是对加密货币市场监管的担忧,拜登政府认为放松监管将会给投资者和金融体系带来不确定性和风险。这种政府立场的表态与特朗普的支持态度形成了鲜明对比,为加密货币成为未来大选热门议题提供了实质性的背景。 这场政治上的较量也反映了加密货币行业的复杂性和影响力。无论是特朗普还是拜登政府,都在努力塑造对加密货币的立场,以赢得选民的支持。随着加密货币市场的不断发展和影响力的增强,这场政治斗争也将持续升级,成为未来美国大选中的重要议题之一。
5 月 3 日,一名巨鲸在区块链上遭遇了一场十分精密的相同首尾号地址钓鱼攻击,导致他失去了价值约 7000 万美元的 1155 枚 WBTC。这起事件引发了社区对区块链安全的担忧,尤其是对于钓鱼攻击的重视程度。 攻击的核心在于黑客利用了几个关键点:首先,他们提前生成了大量的钓鱼地址,并在用户进行转账后,迅速将钓鱼地址伪装成与用户交易记录相似的地址。其次,黑客采取了尾随交易的方式,即在用户完成转账后不久,向用户的地址发送一笔微小的交易,将钓鱼地址加入到用户的交易历史记录中。最后,用户由于疏忽大意或未仔细核对地址,误将资金转入了钓鱼地址。 通过 MistTrack 的追踪分析,发现黑客已将盗取的 WBTC 兑换成了 ETH,并将资金转移到了至少 10 个不同的地址。这种转移模式显示出了黑客可能采取的批量攻击策略,而非单一目标。 慢雾的威胁情报网络揭示了一系列与该钓鱼事件相关的 IP 地址,这些 IP 地址位于香港,可能是黑客使用的移动基站。这一发现暗示着黑客采取了更加隐秘和匿名的手段进行攻击。 尽管受害者已在链上发布消息,希望黑客能够返还部分资金,但截至目前尚未得到回复。 为了防范类似的钓鱼攻击,用户可以采取一些预防措施,如建立白名单机制、开启小额过滤功能、仔细核对地址的正确性,并在转账前进行小额测试。这些措施可以有力地保护用户免受钓鱼攻击的威胁。

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