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On May 3, a whale suffered a very sophisticated phishing attack on the blockchain using the same first and last address, causing him to lose 1,155 WBTC worth about $70 million. This incident has aroused the community's concerns about blockchain security, especially the importance of phishing attacks. The core of the attack is that hackers took advantage of several key points: first, they generated a large number of phishing addresses in advance, and after the user made a transfer, they quickly disguised the phishing addresses as addresses similar to the user's transaction records. Second, the hackers took the approach of tailing transactions, that is, shortly after the user completed the transfer, a tiny transaction was sent to the user's address, adding the phishing address to the user's transaction history. Finally, the user mistakenly transferred funds to the phishing address due to negligence or failure to carefully check the address. Through MistTrack's tracking analysis, it was found that the hacker had exchanged the stolen WBTC for ETH and transferred the funds to at least 10 different addresses. This transfer pattern shows that the hacker may adopt a batch attack strategy rather than a single target. SlowMist's threat intelligence network revealed a series of IP addresses related to the phishing incident. These IP addresses are located in Hong Kong and may be mobile base stations used by hackers. This discovery suggests that hackers have adopted more covert and anonymous means to carry out attacks. Although the victim has posted a message on the chain, hoping that the hacker can return some of the funds, no response has been received so far. In order to prevent similar phishing attacks, users can take some preventive measures, such as establishing a whitelist mechanism, turning on the small amount filtering function, carefully checking the correctness of the address, and conducting a small amount test before transferring. These measures can effectively protect users from the threat of phishing attacks.

On May 3, a whale suffered a very sophisticated phishing attack on the blockchain using the same first and last address, causing him to lose 1,155 WBTC worth about $70 million. This incident has aroused the community's concerns about blockchain security, especially the importance of phishing attacks.

The core of the attack is that hackers took advantage of several key points: first, they generated a large number of phishing addresses in advance, and after the user made a transfer, they quickly disguised the phishing addresses as addresses similar to the user's transaction records. Second, the hackers took the approach of tailing transactions, that is, shortly after the user completed the transfer, a tiny transaction was sent to the user's address, adding the phishing address to the user's transaction history. Finally, the user mistakenly transferred funds to the phishing address due to negligence or failure to carefully check the address.

Through MistTrack's tracking analysis, it was found that the hacker had exchanged the stolen WBTC for ETH and transferred the funds to at least 10 different addresses. This transfer pattern shows that the hacker may adopt a batch attack strategy rather than a single target.

SlowMist's threat intelligence network revealed a series of IP addresses related to the phishing incident. These IP addresses are located in Hong Kong and may be mobile base stations used by hackers. This discovery suggests that hackers have adopted more covert and anonymous means to carry out attacks.

Although the victim has posted a message on the chain, hoping that the hacker can return some of the funds, no response has been received so far.

In order to prevent similar phishing attacks, users can take some preventive measures, such as establishing a whitelist mechanism, turning on the small amount filtering function, carefully checking the correctness of the address, and conducting a small amount test before transferring. These measures can effectively protect users from the threat of phishing attacks.

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名校毕业的两兄弟在加密货币盗窃案中被捕 近日,美国检方宣布两名毕业于麻省理工学院的兄弟因利用以太坊区块链漏洞,在12秒内盗窃了价值2500万美元(约合人民币1.8亿元)的加密货币而被指控。这两兄弟分别是24岁的Anton Peraire-Bueno和28岁的James Peraire-Bueno。Anton于2024年2月毕业,获得计算机科学和数学学士学位,而James于2021年获得航空航天硕士学位。 检方指控这对兄弟犯有欺诈和洗钱罪。他们开发了一种称为验证器的工具,旨在帮助在以太坊网络上下单交易,并通过套利和其他交易获利。然而,他们利用验证器欺骗交易员,获得待处理交易的访问权限,改变加密货币的流动来窃取资金。 当局表示,这次盗窃发生在2023年4月,两人在短短12秒内成功实施了这起盗窃。随后,他们通过交易网络转移被盗资金,试图掩盖资金来源,并拒绝了归还资金的请求。检方指出,这是首次对这种新型欺诈形式提起刑事指控,如果罪名成立,他们将面临超过20年的监禁。 这起案件引发了市场震荡,比特币和以太坊等主要加密货币价格出现显著波动。此外,加密货币市场在过去24小时内爆仓金额达1.59亿美元,影响了超过5.85万人。 与此同时,美国金融市场也在发生变化。芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME)计划推出比特币现货交易,这标志着华尔街主要金融机构进一步进军数字资产领域。尽管目前尚未最终敲定,但这一动向表明传统金融市场对加密货币的兴趣正在增加。
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