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FLOKI Floki's upper limit can surpass doge shib, and in the long run, pepe, wif, and bome will not be opponents Floki brings together top narratives such as ai meme and metaverse, sponsors offline events, and has a large screen in Times Square with a large exposure This set of tactics is the basic skills of Shib's last bull market When the market is high, floki will definitely replicate it As a derivative of floki, token is now the strongest narrative of ai and rwa, and it is the big devil Blackrock Unlike other seesaw effects, floki and token always go hand in hand, and absorb the benefits of all sectors together #比特币减半 #BTC #ETH #FLOKI #SHIB If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle! In the current fluctuating market changes, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !


Floki's upper limit can surpass doge shib, and in the long run, pepe, wif, and bome will not be opponents

Floki brings together top narratives such as ai meme and metaverse, sponsors offline events, and has a large screen in Times Square with a large exposure

This set of tactics is the basic skills of Shib's last bull market

When the market is high, floki will definitely replicate it

As a derivative of floki, token is now the strongest narrative of ai and rwa, and it is the big devil Blackrock

Unlike other seesaw effects, floki and token always go hand in hand, and absorb the benefits of all sectors together


If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot

Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle!

In the current fluctuating market changes, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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经历了两轮熊牛、爆仓到没钱吃饭、被债各种主催债后 我总结了在币圈赚不到钱的三个原因: 希望能帮到你!!! 1.时间投入严重不足。 很多人问我,我现在每天除了上班,下班其他时间也不去玩游戏不出去玩专心研究币圈,可还是亏钱。 --我只能告诉你,即便是你一天3个小时研究,也是不够的,职业的币圈投资人是一天12小时全部干在里面,除了吃饭睡觉。而且我们是多人、全职、Allin,更不用说大的VC、基金。 2.经验严重缺乏。 很多今年刚入行的小白,告诉我他要去玩一个合约,玩一个借贷。我说你别搞了,那些你学不会,老老实实地阅读白皮书,研究基本面,用文字记录下来做调研报告。别老想着抄近路。我16年入行,几个小伙伴也是17年,18年入行,最晚的是20年入行。都经历差不多三轮牛熊了,这期间赚的经验,亏的教训,被骗的经历,这些你都没有,你严重缺乏经验,凭啥你经验不够的投入时间不多的还能挣大钱? 3.交易没有体系。 很多刚进来的人,根本没有章法,看到一个新闻,5分钟没到就下单买了,过了半小时没有涨心里就不舒服,立马想着算了割了割 没有成熟的交易体系,不知道宏观的大概位置走到哪里?短期资金动向在哪里,板块如何轮动,下一个叙事点在哪里。 这些都是成体系的,有策略的。你瞎搞没有体系,没有策略,当然赚不到钱。 在币圈,要让自己活下来#香港加密货币ETF 同事胆子也要放大#以太坊ETF 还是那句话,我不会让粉丝踏空,也不会让粉丝爆仓, 如果你主动找我,我带你上岸,你躺平就好。#ETH 点开我头像,关注我文章内容。跟上节凑!#BTC #美联储

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