๐Ÿ’ฅโœจ๏ธThe system is the basis of success โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ


๐Ÿ’ฅโœจ๏ธThe more organized you are in your life, the more superior and successful you will be.โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ


๐Ÿ’  The system is the basis of success and it is one of the most important things that every person must adhere to in his life. The system must be present anywhere and in every project, institution, home, etc. It is the foundation on which developed societies and successful countries are based, so the system must be A method that everyone follows, because chaos does not lead to any progress, unlike the system that pushes the wheel of development and progress forward, and contributes to building the individual and society and arranging their lives. This great universe that God Almighty created lives according to a fixed and specific system, and if it were not organized, the universe would become It is all chaos and life in it is impossible, so order is the basis of the life of all creatures, and let us take a lesson from the smallest creatures in this universe, which are the societies of ants and bees, which provide us with the greatest lessons in order, cooperation, and commitment, to the point that God Almighty honored them and named two surahs of the Qurโ€™an after them, โ€œMy Surat.โ€ โ€œAntsโ€ and โ€œbeesโ€, isnโ€™t this an honor beyond honor?


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