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April 17 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report Recent predictions have been correct 3 times in a row. Use short volatility strategy to buy the bottom of spot in batches I. Core Views: 1-Recent tweets have predicted 3 short-term market trends in a row, but I still don’t think that we ordinary players should rely too much on short-term predictions. It is more meaningful as a learning and reference 2-BTC is still very strong overall. The previous strong support point of 59,000 remains unchanged. The upper space is beyond the previous high and breaks through 80,000 3-The implied volatility of options is bearish in the short term, but after the beginning of May, the bullish sentiment has become stronger, and a large rebound is imminent 4-Monitor BTC.D and choose the right time to participate in the copycat option target, the odds will be even better (see the planet for details, long and short volatility targets) II. Option block trading BTC block trading information (positions are all above 300 BTC, the overall direction is bearish) sell BTC-28JUN24-70000-C + buy BTC-28JUN24-75000-C buy BTC-31MAY24-50000-P + sell BTC-31MAY24-80000-C ETH bulk transaction information (positions are all around 4,000, both long and short) sell ETH-26APR24-3100-C buy ETH-19APR24-3250-C Sol positions with large trading volume (more than 500, biased towards short protection) buy SOL_USDC-17APR24-124-P buy SOL_USDC-17APR24-122-P III. Macro market situation Both US stocks and US bonds have suffered a critical hit, and interest rate cuts are expected to be further delayed. It is bearish in the short term, but it is a good thing in the long run, I think. I look at the trend of the Wind Micro-cap Index of A-shares. The momentum in the past two days is quite similar to the shadow of the DMA killing of quantitative at the beginning of this year, and the magnitude is close to the worst in early February. In fact, my personal account has always held a lot of micro-cap funds at the beginning. Later, with the change of ZC, everyone tried to avoid it. The essence of the A-share market is ZC market. There is no good result if you go against ZC. (As shown in Figure 1) I glanced at the snowball in the hospital yesterday and found a lot of scolding. Most of them are scolding the national nine articles. But objectively speaking, I personally highly affirm the tone of the national nine articles, and the reason has been mentioned two days ago. This is a landmark event in the change of the A-share investment ecology, and it will inevitably become a key moment in the future.

April 17 Crypto Option Volatility Research Report

Recent predictions have been correct 3 times in a row. Use short volatility strategy to buy the bottom of spot in batches

I. Core Views:

1-Recent tweets have predicted 3 short-term market trends in a row, but I still don’t think that we ordinary players should rely too much on short-term predictions. It is more meaningful as a learning and reference

2-BTC is still very strong overall. The previous strong support point of 59,000 remains unchanged. The upper space is beyond the previous high and breaks through 80,000

3-The implied volatility of options is bearish in the short term, but after the beginning of May, the bullish sentiment has become stronger, and a large rebound is imminent

4-Monitor BTC.D and choose the right time to participate in the copycat option target, the odds will be even better (see the planet for details, long and short volatility targets)

II. Option block trading

BTC block trading information (positions are all above 300 BTC, the overall direction is bearish)

sell BTC-28JUN24-70000-C + buy BTC-28JUN24-75000-C

buy BTC-31MAY24-50000-P + sell BTC-31MAY24-80000-C

ETH bulk transaction information (positions are all around 4,000, both long and short)

sell ETH-26APR24-3100-C

buy ETH-19APR24-3250-C

Sol positions with large trading volume (more than 500, biased towards short protection)

buy SOL_USDC-17APR24-124-P

buy SOL_USDC-17APR24-122-P

III. Macro market situation

Both US stocks and US bonds have suffered a critical hit, and interest rate cuts are expected to be further delayed. It is bearish in the short term, but it is a good thing in the long run, I think.

I look at the trend of the Wind Micro-cap Index of A-shares. The momentum in the past two days is quite similar to the shadow of the DMA killing of quantitative at the beginning of this year, and the magnitude is close to the worst in early February. In fact, my personal account has always held a lot of micro-cap funds at the beginning. Later, with the change of ZC, everyone tried to avoid it.

The essence of the A-share market is ZC market. There is no good result if you go against ZC. (As shown in Figure 1) I glanced at the snowball in the hospital yesterday and found a lot of scolding. Most of them are scolding the national nine articles. But objectively speaking, I personally highly affirm the tone of the national nine articles, and the reason has been mentioned two days ago.

This is a landmark event in the change of the A-share investment ecology, and it will inevitably become a key moment in the future.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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4月19日 加密期权波动率研报 追逐者,随行情心情起伏;心定者,坐看云起云落 最近有几个期权比赛,奖金丰厚(几百刀保底),有兴趣的一起组队 一、核心观点 1-昨日上午 10 点和星球玩家互动,我主观认为短期下跌情绪差不多了。还是那句话,我们是普通人,不要总想“抄底”,认清自己比认清标的都重要 2-行情起伏,每一轮大暴涨之前都是清理杠杆,最近这几波山寨下杀很多没有 BTC 或者我们推荐的强势山寨的玩家很难受 (例如: #TON ) 3-短期看跌端情绪收敛,ETH 继续跑输 BTC 4-山寨期权隐波也有异动,提前布局看涨端才能不错过大暴涨 二、期权大宗交易信息 BTC 昨日有2笔较大买入看跌期权头寸 buy BTC-31MAY24-57000-P(600) buy BTC-26APR24-58000-P(450) ETH 大宗交易期权头寸有分歧 sell ETH-19APR24-3000-P(2,250) buy ETH-26APR24-2700-P(2,000) Sol 大宗头寸每日星球内提示 三、山寨期权隐波异动 #Link 隐波明显跟随标的价格上涨呈现正相关;#Sol 隐波微微下降,put 端做空波动率效果不错; #Ton 隐波持续高位,继续做空波动率。 四、宏观市场信息 昨日美股冲高回落,几个加密相关的股票在开盘时候都上冲凶猛;美债继续降温,本轮长期美债投资者经受去年 10 月份的考验。我个人没觉得对长期会有什么影响,甚至加了一些 TMF 头寸。 美债收益率从高点集体小幅回调,十年期回到 4.6% 下方,报 4.575% ,对利率政策敏感的两年期收益率报 4.924% ,风险情绪得到降温。 大 A 宏观信心的角度,国九条之后,下一个值得市场关注的叙事,应该是4月底的中央季度经济工作会议。在那个会议之前,我认为市场博弈者有理由为他留下一些期待。
4月18日 加密期权波动率研报 短期下跌势头延续,杠杆高的玩家卸掉杠杆 期权大赛提示: 近期 CC 开始的专属交易大赛对新玩家或者交易量小的玩家很友好注册用户就可以白嫖 500 个 #Call 代币 一、核心观点 1-ETH 看衰资金持续增多,短期下行压力> BTC 2-减半行情 RV 波动继续加大,非山寨标的隐波不高,裸做空波动率很不划算 3-我们长期深耕的山寨标的 #Ton 和 #Kas 抗跌能力很强,后续反弹一触即发,需要提前布局看涨策略 二、大宗交易 BTC 大宗有一笔 1800 个头寸的交易非常值得重视(不明白的可以星球提问): sell BTC-27SEP24-90000-C + buy BTC-31MAY24-80000-C ETH 的大宗没有特别值得注意的 Sol 的5月底大宗头寸 3000 多枚 【已星球内提示】 三、其他山寨 近期整体大盘下跌,我们一定要关注比较抗跌的标的,主力控盘动作明显。 那么其实未来只要大盘走稳, #TONCOIN #kaspa 走出大行情一点不意外,这里建议尽量做空波动率接货 不急在 Call 端做买入动作,可以等一下大盘,山寨追涨最适合的工具就是期权 四、宏观资本市场 昨天长端美债有所回升,美股最近持续下跌状态,我们精选的“大猩猩标的”最近也在经受考验,耐心缓慢布局是优选策略。 观察近期汇率,除了人民币以外,这两日非美的其他货币均大幅下挫。日元甚至贬值到了20年新低,而人民币这一轮很明显的坚挺。 一方面说明我们控制得力,另一方面北水稳定也说明当前人民币资产具备很强的相对价格优势。汇率的点位,如去年《当前大类资产配置》一文所述,无变化。 A股市场这两天微盘股指数先跌10%,再涨10%的市场反馈,是正常的吗?这种投资生态是正常的吗?结果很明显,不正常。非常像马赛克市场没有太多价值支撑纯炒作的山寨标的。大家太情绪化,或者太容易被一些非核心消息左右,短期博弈逻辑过分浓厚。
4月16日 加密期权波动率研报 之前预测连对 2 次,减半月以做多波动率为主 优质项目提醒: 最近一直在撸期权 Dex 龙头 Synquote 的空投,预计近期发币 一、核心观点: 1-上周推文提示多头风险和下方 59000 的支持;以及周末适当加仓现货,放弃抄底想法 2-还有4天即将减半,多维度数据表明短期下行压力更大,更应该重视下跌风险 3-BTC 和 ETH 从期权隐含波动率角度来讲,看跌端买入更大,整体期权头寸更偏向空;ETH 走势依旧疲软。 4-重点关注 BTC.D 指标,增加山寨期权仓位分配,山寨期权波动率预测及交易策略见(星球) 二、期权大宗交易数据 BTC 昨日最大2笔大宗交易分别为(整体中短期偏看多头寸,交易量均超过 1000 个 BTC ) buy BTC-31MAY24-69000-C sell BTC-27DEC24-100000-C + buy BTC-27SEP24-110000-C ETH 昨日做大2笔大宗均为短期看空策略(头寸均超过 4000 个 ETH ) sell ETH-17APR24-3250-C sell ETH-19APR24-3200-C Sol 大宗继波动率预测见星球 三、其他山寨标的 长期观察的 #Ton 、#Kas 、 #Doge 最近也有不错交易机会,分别会在 BIT 期权实战营和星球内同步 四、宏观资本市场 一则重要消息香港正式批准 BTC 和 ETH 现货 ETF ,我个人主观判断因为港股都没什么流动性,所以实值意义不大,但是表明一下 HK 的态度,还是可以的。 毕竟最近几年 HK 太惨了 美股: 随着对美联储降息预期的日渐消退以及中东局势的升级促使投资者转移向避险资产,最近美股和美债日子都不好过。 A股: 过去一周多约束大家宏观信心的还是房子,二级市场里的标志就是万科A走势,从最近走势看投资者对房子的负情绪还在,新经济则要数据来证实。此前的社融、CPI均不是非常好,随后几天重点看看工业增加值、固定资产投资等数据。 后续还需要重点关注宏观复苏的逻辑弱能配合上,新一轮上行的稳定性和周期都将放大一个维度。

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