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Research report on crypto option volatility on April 16 Previous predictions were correct twice in a row, and the halving month is mainly for long volatility Reminder of high-quality projects: Recently, I have been trying to get the airdrop of the leading option Dex Synquote, and it is expected to issue coins in the near future I. Core views: 1-Last week's tweets reminded of the long risk and the support of 59,000 below; and appropriately increase the spot position over the weekend and give up the idea of ​​bottom fishing 2-There are still 4 days before the halving. Multi-dimensional data show that the short-term downward pressure is greater, and the risk of falling should be paid more attention to 3-From the perspective of option implied volatility, BTC and ETH have larger bearish buying, and the overall option position is more inclined to short; ETH's trend is still weak. 4- Focus on the BTC.D indicator, increase the allocation of alt options positions, and see (Planet) for alt option volatility forecasts and trading strategies II. Option block trading data The two largest BTC block trades yesterday were (overall medium- and short-term bullish positions, with trading volumes exceeding 1,000 BTC) buy BTC-31MAY24-69000-C sell BTC-27DEC24-100000-C + buy BTC-27SEP24-110000-C ETH's two large blocks yesterday were both short-term bearish strategies (positions exceeding 4,000 ETH) sell ETH-17APR24-3250-C sell ETH-19APR24-3200-C Sol block volatility forecasts see Planet III. Other alt targets #Ton, #Kas,#Dogeunder long-term observation There are also good trading opportunities recently, which will be synchronized in the BIT Option Practice Camp and the Planet IV. Macro Capital Market An important news: Hong Kong officially approved BTC and ETH spot ETFs. My personal subjective judgment is that because Hong Kong stocks have little liquidity, the real value is not very meaningful, but it is still okay to show HK's attitude. After all, HK has been too miserable in recent years US stocks: With the gradual fading of expectations for the Fed's interest rate cuts and the escalation of the situation in the Middle East, investors have shifted to safe-haven assets. Recently, US stocks and US bonds have not had a good time. A shares: In the past week, it was still the house that constrained everyone's macro confidence. The symbol in the secondary market is the trend of Vanke A. From the recent trend, investors' negative emotions about houses are still there, and the new economy needs data to confirm. The previous social financing and CPI were not very good. In the next few days, we will focus on the data such as industrial added value and fixed asset investment. In the future, we need to focus on the weak logic of macro recovery. The stability and cycle of the new round of upward will be magnified by one dimension.

Research report on crypto option volatility on April 16

Previous predictions were correct twice in a row, and the halving month is mainly for long volatility

Reminder of high-quality projects: Recently, I have been trying to get the airdrop of the leading option Dex Synquote, and it is expected to issue coins in the near future

I. Core views:

1-Last week's tweets reminded of the long risk and the support of 59,000 below; and appropriately increase the spot position over the weekend and give up the idea of ​​bottom fishing

2-There are still 4 days before the halving. Multi-dimensional data show that the short-term downward pressure is greater, and the risk of falling should be paid more attention to

3-From the perspective of option implied volatility, BTC and ETH have larger bearish buying, and the overall option position is more inclined to short; ETH's trend is still weak.

4- Focus on the BTC.D indicator, increase the allocation of alt options positions, and see (Planet) for alt option volatility forecasts and trading strategies

II. Option block trading data

The two largest BTC block trades yesterday were (overall medium- and short-term bullish positions, with trading volumes exceeding 1,000 BTC)

buy BTC-31MAY24-69000-C

sell BTC-27DEC24-100000-C + buy BTC-27SEP24-110000-C

ETH's two large blocks yesterday were both short-term bearish strategies (positions exceeding 4,000 ETH)

sell ETH-17APR24-3250-C

sell ETH-19APR24-3200-C

Sol block volatility forecasts see Planet

III. Other alt targets

#Ton, #Kas,#Dogeunder long-term observation There are also good trading opportunities recently, which will be synchronized in the BIT Option Practice Camp and the Planet

IV. Macro Capital Market

An important news: Hong Kong officially approved BTC and ETH spot ETFs. My personal subjective judgment is that because Hong Kong stocks have little liquidity, the real value is not very meaningful, but it is still okay to show HK's attitude.

After all, HK has been too miserable in recent years

US stocks:

With the gradual fading of expectations for the Fed's interest rate cuts and the escalation of the situation in the Middle East, investors have shifted to safe-haven assets. Recently, US stocks and US bonds have not had a good time.

A shares:

In the past week, it was still the house that constrained everyone's macro confidence. The symbol in the secondary market is the trend of Vanke A. From the recent trend, investors' negative emotions about houses are still there, and the new economy needs data to confirm. The previous social financing and CPI were not very good. In the next few days, we will focus on the data such as industrial added value and fixed asset investment.

In the future, we need to focus on the weak logic of macro recovery. The stability and cycle of the new round of upward will be magnified by one dimension.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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Sober 小记 5月7日 1- 最近一直在做减法 把生产力低的事情减少,甚至不做;不断思考同样一天 24 小时,优秀的人到底人家在做什么事儿? 2- 很多作业不能抄 今天早上在星球群里,我们讨论了一下温格老师的一句话,我也特别认同@MindwingsD ,如下图所示 👇 ;长期只会跟单,不管是付费群,还是一些 Cex 的带单产品,都是 - EV 的,不论老师水平高、低 老铁建议关注一下温格老师,推特输出有价值、有思考的干货 3- 深耕一个领域复利很大 其实我明显感觉到,今年加密的牛市,基本上市场上如果做期权的项目方或者机构,我或多或少都和大家有接触,并不是我多优秀。而是,我确实“所谓的”在加密期权这个市场深耕了。(之所以说所谓,因为其实也才1年多,我个人觉的很不够;不管是认知深度,还是实战能力都较我认识的几个高手差距非常大) 4- 如何继续深耕? 我最近思考到一些进一步深耕加密期权的做法,并且做了一些实战。包括: ① 开了私教班 利用费曼学习法倒逼自己有更体系、更深入的学习东西,并能够系统性输出,而不是随便开个直播,或者推特space 水一下。 ② 降低了很多交易频率 更多思考一些期权大宗的玩法,提高每一次交易的盈亏比,不能为了交易而交易。期权比赛,今年也是尽量只参加自己认可交易所的比赛。 ③ 做了一些资金归集工作 这样每个交易所,每个标的,都有明确清晰的基本面判断和简单、可重复的期权策略。长期来看在市场上,真正交易的博主自己收益最大,也能长期有一个还不错的口碑。 5- 链接一些行业上游资源 我一直在避免无意义社交;但是,现在这个市场专业性一步步提高,不断链接到 Cex 高层;链上项目方创始人做一些有建设性的深度交流,会提高自己认知,同时也能给星球朋友一些项目的选择。 大家都有偏好,我就做好给大家信息的筛选工作。
5月7日 加密期权市场波动率研报 GBTC 持续净流入,冲高又回落,继续做空波动率么? 重要项目提示:Synquote 发布里程碑事件,上线了测试网永续合约产品,目前可以免费领取 100000 USDC 的水,撸积分 一、核心观点: 1-昨日冲高回落,近端 Put 隐波较 Call 小幅上翘 15 个Vol;相较于 BTC ,ETH 持续弱势 2-昨日回答几个星球问题,不建议短期用裸期权追高,尤其是 Doge 等隐波已经起来的标的; 3-Sol 和 Ton 没上车玩家,建议用期权慢慢建仓;如果追高需要控制仓位 4-山寨仍有比较大的做空波动率的空间,Sol 105%;Doge 130% 总结:牛中判断,但是短线不要追高;山寨期权精选标的,做空波动率+long gamma结合 二、期权大宗交易 昨日BTC有2个大宗头寸(分别500个和200个) buy BTC-26JUL24-85000-C + sell BTC-28MAR25-200000-C buy BTC-7MAY24-65000-C 整体看涨 昨日ETH有2比大宗(分别3000个和1500个) sell ETH-26JUL24-5500-C + buy ETH-28JUN24-4000-C buy ETH-7MAY24-3600-C 末日轮应该是亏了 Sol的大宗星球内提示(存在多空分歧,我们要注意自己期权头寸分布) 三、其他山寨标的 继续做 Doge 和 Ton put端做空波动率,call 端带隐波回落再上价差策略 四、宏观市场信息 大A目测今年大概率有不错行情: 今天A股如约高开,成交额未进一步放大器。且高开后,高走有限,日内甚至有所反复,尾盘翘尾。 这说明国内存量资金恐高想惯性做差价者仍不少,而场外资金也依然相对犹豫。 观测新一轮行情主推资金北水动向。 行情叙事逻辑上今天没有新因素挑战,内部经济预期好转,外部资本波动加大的共振驱动逻辑依然稳定。 关于出局点,继续从博弈角度等高概率点为好;星球内也分析了3个明显博弈高点的位置。
5月6日 加密期权市场波动率研报 反弹还是反转? ETH 和 山寨可以做空波动率么? 赛事提示:近期比赛每人保底 150-200U 一、核心观点 1- 牛市没有结束,继续持有期权+现货多头头寸;但是不影响买入一些看跌保护或者平方期权产品 2- BTC 隐波维持今年内低位,对照过去一年水平仍处于 75 分位位置,仅可作为参考 3- ETH 近端隐波升高,短期适合做一些备兑类空波动率策略 4- 山寨期权隐波相对于 BTC 和 ETH 仍有不少优势,适合布局一些看好标的空波动率头寸;做多波动率主观判断适合轻仓布局 二、期权大宗交易 BTC 有个短期看多头寸,量不大 (50 个 BTC) buy BTC-7MAY24-66000-C ETH 有 2 个接近 2000 个头寸的看多买入看涨期权 buy ETH-8MAY24-3125-C buy ETH-10MAY24-3150-C Sol 预计会继续强势 头寸更新至星球内 三、其他山寨标的 TG 群里提示了 Doge 策略 私教班群里详细说了几个山寨开仓逻辑和最新标的基本面情况: Sol 、Ton 、 Doge 等 四、宏观市场信息 ① 美国经济数据大幅低于预期。包括美国最新一期非农就业数据,以及失业率创了过去6个月最差,美国最新一期制造业PMI数据跌破50枯荣线。 ② 美联储最新一期议息会议因为经济压力,被动偏鸽派。鲍威尔明确释放不会重新加息信号,海外市场对美元首次降息的预期重新调整到9月。 ③ 日元多次大幅干预,叠加美联储偏鸽,美元指数大幅回落,人民币加速升值到7.19。而且人民币的升值不同于日元的主动干预,是从4月中旬就已经开始的。 ④ 国内经济会议落地,主观认为超预期。这次会议有几个重点: 地产 提了消化存量地产的细节部署,包括以旧换新、政府收储、中国两房等等,动摇国内信心的地产阴云有望加速消散。 稳经济 提了特别国债、专项债抓紧落实,此前聊过一季度同比慢了3成,同时在货币政策方面,还直接提了降准降息等政策。如果财政和货币政策双发力,二季度的会更值得期待。

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