VIP transaction number: #R118
Pair: $#ETH /#USDT.D (Binance)
Direction: ⬆️LONG
Position size: 2 - 4%
Leverage: 5-10X
Transaction type: SCALP
Stay firm and look forward to short-term and medium-term gains🐋
Entry : 1735 - 1857
🔘Goal 1 - 1875
🔘Goal 2 - 1895
🔘Goal 3 - 1920
🔘Goal 4 - 1950
🔘Goal 5 - 2000
🔘Goal 6 - 2080
🔘Target 7 - 2200
🔘Goal 8 - 2350
🔘Goal 9 - 2550
🚫Stop loss: 1679.9
Risk: Medium/High
Sincerely, the leader #BTC #crypto2023