Binance Square
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Good morning, I washed it back and forth last night, and my upper and lower parts were all broken, which was very uncomfortable. Bitcoin has support below 68800 and 68300, and pressure above 70800 and 72500. The upward trend line has not been broken, so the long-low trend is still the main idea. The current line is 69400, which is temporarily unchanged. On the hourly chart, the price is rising continuously on the 6th. At this time, there is no obvious short signal. The lower support of Ethereum is 3450, and the upper pressure is 3570 and 3700. The current price is 3513. The idea is to go low during the day and wait for the retracement to buy. Acupuncture will not affect the trend. In the bull market, acupuncture is more common. As long as it is not a negative downturn, the market will pull up after the acupuncture. It's not that Lao Yu doesn't do short selling, but the trend line, where the big trend is. If it continues to fluctuate and there is no retracement, I will let everyone enter the market in advance. Entering the venue early, once you insert the pin, it will be easily damaged...#BTC

Good morning, I washed it back and forth last night, and my upper and lower parts were all broken, which was very uncomfortable. Bitcoin has support below 68800 and 68300, and pressure above 70800 and 72500. The upward trend line has not been broken, so the long-low trend is still the main idea. The current line is 69400, which is temporarily unchanged. On the hourly chart, the price is rising continuously on the 6th. At this time, there is no obvious short signal.

The lower support of Ethereum is 3450, and the upper pressure is 3570 and 3700. The current price is 3513. The idea is to go low during the day and wait for the retracement to buy. Acupuncture will not affect the trend. In the bull market, acupuncture is more common. As long as it is not a negative downturn, the market will pull up after the acupuncture. It's not that Lao Yu doesn't do short selling, but the trend line, where the big trend is.

If it continues to fluctuate and there is no retracement, I will let everyone enter the market in advance. Entering the venue early, once you insert the pin, it will be easily damaged...#BTC

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合约交易中,如何避免爆仓? 合约交易时如何防止爆仓?合约交易爆仓后,让人有种生无可恋的感觉。面对这样的现象,一般是常出现与新的投资者身上,没有用把握好风险控制,风险过大往往一个不慎就会爆仓,这其中有很多原因组成。但是也有很多的投资者真的是爆上了瘾,完全不做任何风险控制,结果将本金亏损得分毫不剩。 那么,炒合约该如何防范爆仓呢? 1、合理控制仓位 交易赚钱的精髓是用复利赚钱,而不是用爆利赚钱。关于用复利赚钱的模式,每个人的想法各异,可自己在实践中总结。送大家一句口诀:轻仓小量,顺势而为;细水长流,积少成多。 2、随时带止损 要把止损位置和自己的头寸调整结合起来,同时也要和自己的操作周期结合起来。如果做中线操作,止损略放大一些,一般2000点左右。做短线操作,平均止损位500点左右。要把投入的资金分成3份,一份开仓试单,两份中途加码。在具体操作过程中要用少量资金,适当短线腾挪,不要一捂到底。要把技术止损和资金止损相结合。 3、禁止频繁进出 如果交易中连续三次出现失误,要坚决暂停罢手,停下来做一些其他的事情。比如可以看一些交易大师们的访谈和传记等。当亏损的沮丧消失,心态平和以后,再仔细分析图表,查找失误原因,试着小单入场,如果感觉运气还是很“背”,要继续调整。 4、顺势而为 切忌逆势操作 每当市场上演逼空行情或杀多行情都会打爆很多人的帐户。究其原因就是一味地死多或死空,跟行情较劲,越错越加码,想着有一天价格回头,能够反败为胜。结果没有等到反败为胜那一天,“子弹”就打光了,死在半途当中。 市场既没有多头,也没有空头,只有滑头才能长久生存。遇到这种情况就需要投资者加强学习,刻苦实践,提高自己的技术分析水平。提高自己的心理素质,加强心志的磨练,努力做到知行合一。 5、禁止盲目跟风下单 要仔细分析投资客户的操作方法和思维方式,想一想他为什么看多或看空,为什么要在这个价位开仓,为什么要在那个位置设置止损,和自己的分析判断哪里一致,哪里不同等等,多问几个为什么?一旦发现投资客户的操作方向和市场运行的相反,千万不要盲目迷信和崇拜,要果断离场。 总之,在合约交易中,风险和盈利成正比,做单有自己的主见,不盲目跟从,随机应变,要顺势而为。就能避免走向爆仓的境地,控制好交易风险。#BTC #DOGE
炒币怎么巧用支撑位? (1)上升趋势里,回调过程中,K线之阴线较先前所出现之阳线为弱,尤具接近支撑价位时,成交量萎缩,而后阳线迅速吃掉阴线,币价再上升,这是有效的支撑。 (2)上升趋势里,回调过程中,K线频频出现阴线,空头势力增加,即使在支撑线附近略作反弹,接手乏力,币价终将跌破支撑线,称为行情反转。 (3)在支撑线附近形成盘整,经过一段时间整理,出现长阳线,支撑线自然有效。 (4)在支撑线附近形成盘整,经过整理却出现。一根长阴线滑坡支撑线,投资者为减少损失,争相出逃,币价将继续下跌一段。 (5)币价走势由上向下跌破支撑线,说明行情将由上升趋势转换为下降趋势。一般地说,在上升大趋势中,出现中级下降趋势,如若行情跌破中级下降趋势的支撑线,则说明上升大趋势已结束;在中级上升趋势中,出现次级下降趋势,如若行情跌破次级下降趋势的支撑线,则说明中级上升趋势已结束,币价将依原下降大趋势继续下行。 (6)币价由上向下接触支撑线,但未能到或刚触及支撑位就调头回升,若有大成交量配合,则当再出现下降调整时,即可进货,以获取反弹利润。 (7)的价格由上向下跌破支撑线,一旦有大成交量配合,即说明另一段跌势形成,稍有回档即应出货,避免更大损失。 (8)币价由上向下接触支撑线,虽未曾跌破,但也无成交量配合,则预示无反弹可能,应尽早出货离场。#BTC #ETH

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