Silicon Valley giants are sounding the alarm: unrealized capital gains tax is a life-or-death blow to the innovation ecosystem! "

[Technology Earthquake] Andreessen Horowitz angrily denounced Biden's new policy: unrealized capital gains tax is a "fatal blow" to start-ups!

The former beacon of technological optimism is now a red alert! Silicon Valley venture capital giant Andreessen Horowitz made a shocking statement, pointing directly to the Biden administration's unrealized capital gains tax proposal as "the last blow to the innovation ecosystem."

The technology giant with more than $42 billion in assets under management warned: If this tax is implemented, start-ups will also have to pay taxes if they have not realized growth, which will kill the vitality of innovation and is tantamount to killing the future. Andreessen lamented: "The venture capital world will be subverted. If our investment portfolio suffers this disaster, the entrepreneurial ecosystem may be in dire straits! "Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--972331171

From technological optimism to crisis warning, Andreessen Horowitz's position has changed dramatically, shocking the industry and revealing that the technology industry is facing an unprecedented innovation ecosystem crisis. This is not only a wake-up call for Silicon Valley, but also a life-and-death test for the future of global technology! #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 $PEPE $1000SATS $ALICE