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One thing about the Chaos Theory must be made clear, that is, the Chaos Theory is a completely mathematical axiomatic theory of non-completely absolute convergent transactions in a fully efficient market. The only thing that needs to be monitored is whether the two premises of fully efficient market and non-completely absolute convergent transactions still exist. More importantly, this is ultimately a set of theories related to human nature, which can only be practiced in transactions. In the end, it is the skill that is compared. #BTC走势分析 #缠中说禅 #缠论教学 #ETH

One thing about the Chaos Theory must be made clear, that is, the Chaos Theory is a completely mathematical axiomatic theory of non-completely absolute convergent transactions in a fully efficient market. The only thing that needs to be monitored is whether the two premises of fully efficient market and non-completely absolute convergent transactions still exist. More importantly, this is ultimately a set of theories related to human nature, which can only be practiced in transactions. In the end, it is the skill that is compared.

#BTC走势分析 #缠中说禅 #缠论教学 #ETH

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大家如果觉得每一次发言和每一次的解盘有价值,那我们就一起学习精进,我一直都是真心希望的是每一位加入易盈社区的会员能够学有所获,不仅能够在创始人大师兄的带领下学到一套可以传承的稳定盈利的缠论交易体系,还可以收获心态和认知上的提升,以及我们这一帮志同道合的缠友相互鼓励携手共进,一起勇猛精进。 我从加入社区到弘扬缠论这几年,经历的太多,这几年受到的诋毁也应该是最多的,当然伴随而来的是更多的鼓励与赞同,我是发自内心的热爱分享,更是发自内心热爱社区,社区创始人-大师兄更是如此,所以大师兄也一直坚持在做好做强做大社区的路上,社区对我来说就像是一手看着长大的孩子,希望他越来越好,我相信每一位会员也是如此,尤其这三年一路陪伴跟随的老会员们更是深有体会。 最近这一年社区发展缓慢,但是社区一直在做好提升内功的修炼,我相信大家能够感受到社区的成长,无论是社区的策略,还是社区的课程,一直都在升级更新的路上,策略提示与教学课程的质量越来越高,社区从来没有过任何怠慢过任何一位会员,甚至外面很多社区的负责人都是从易盈社区走出去的,社区也一直都是以祝福每一位会员的心态前行。 说太多大家看得累,总而言之,加油,社区的每一位尊贵的会员,关注我的每一位粉丝,缠论绝对是这个世界上最顶尖的交易理论,只要你想学,社区始终会抱着不忘初心的心态服务好每一位师兄师姐,让我们一起闻见学行圣人之道,打造一套属于自己的稳定的盈利系统。 高山说缠论 2024.05.24 #BTC #ETH #缠中说禅 #缠论教学

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