Binance Square
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Now it is not only difficult for individuals to make money, but also for companies and countries. Foreign countries have begun to generate income, such as confiscating funds from Russian companies and corrupt funds from Chinese capitalist-roaders. The income from personal cryptocurrency speculation can easily be targeted by county and city law enforcement agencies, which is also a way to generate income. Starting with the withdrawal and freezing of cards, the illegal income is eaten up in one go.

Now it is not only difficult for individuals to make money, but also for companies and countries. Foreign countries have begun to generate income, such as confiscating funds from Russian companies and corrupt funds from Chinese capitalist-roaders.

The income from personal cryptocurrency speculation can easily be targeted by county and city law enforcement agencies, which is also a way to generate income. Starting with the withdrawal and freezing of cards, the illegal income is eaten up in one go.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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谈下 BTC生态三剑客: 1. Ordinals ,缩写 Brc20 2. Atomicals ,缩写 Arc20 3. Runes 押注比特币生态圈的未来,是个收益和风险同样巨大的选择题。我能告诉你的几点: 1. 人之所以穷,是因为追求稳定性,放弃可能性。 2. 能赚钱的事都是充满不确定性的,能赚大钱的事,则是极度不确定。 3. 发财存在门槛,只要你有足够的逻辑支撑,大胆买入 Brc20属于初代生态协议,板块轮动起来尚可再战; Arc20则是缺少狗庄入驻,bn现货上不上大概率是下一轮牛市的议题;以染色币作为切入点避开了比特币开发者luke的矛盾冲突,看个热闹。 Runes协议,当前弊端是名字长度限制过长。当前整个币圈流动性不佳,以至于热度极短,目前处于低谷。 但是凡事都是个但是 Runes协议随着btc区块高度增加,token名字的长度限制会变短。届时可能会有二次爆发 最后,符石价格暴跌,在市场上任意一颗石头点进去“历史”页面,就能看到每一刻符石都写满了故事。故事都是讲它的前任持有者用多高价格买入,又是用多么低的价格卖出。每颗石头都多少沾点血。 所以我买了6颗,均价0.013 btc。 能不能赚钱我不确定,因为比特币生态是否有未来?Runes生态能否再次爆发?RuneStone能否卷土重来? 坏消息:最后三个问题都是极度不确定的事情 好消息:可能会赚大钱 #Runes符文 #Runestone #比特币生态

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