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[Crypto News] FTX, a big player in the blockchain industry, recently submitted a reorganization plan to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. This news has caused a stir! It is reported that FTX plans to distribute almost all of its assets at the time of bankruptcy in November 2022 to customers and other creditors around the world. This "gift package" is expected to be worth between $14.5 billion and $16.3 billion, which is really a lot of money! 😉 This amount includes assets controlled by the joint official liquidators of FTX Digital Markets, Ltd. (Bahamas), the Securities Commission of the Bahamas, and the joint official liquidators of FTX Australia. If the plan is approved by the bankruptcy court, 98% of FTX creditors will receive approximately 118% of their allowed claims within 60 days of the plan taking effect. The remaining creditors will receive all their claims, plus "plus billions of dollars in investment time value compensation." This news is undoubtedly good news for FTX's creditors, but what does it mean for the market? Welcome everyone to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together!

[Crypto News] FTX, a big player in the blockchain industry, recently submitted a reorganization plan to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. This news has caused a stir! It is reported that FTX plans to distribute almost all of its assets at the time of bankruptcy in November 2022 to customers and other creditors around the world. This "gift package" is expected to be worth between $14.5 billion and $16.3 billion, which is really a lot of money! 😉

This amount includes assets controlled by the joint official liquidators of FTX Digital Markets, Ltd. (Bahamas), the Securities Commission of the Bahamas, and the joint official liquidators of FTX Australia. If the plan is approved by the bankruptcy court, 98% of FTX creditors will receive approximately 118% of their allowed claims within 60 days of the plan taking effect. The remaining creditors will receive all their claims, plus "plus billions of dollars in investment time value compensation."

This news is undoubtedly good news for FTX's creditors, but what does it mean for the market? Welcome everyone to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together!

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【热点速递】比特币魔法师们又有新玩法啦!5月9日至10日,比特币大会在香港首次举办,Jasper Vault 作为去中心化金融的坚定继承者,大会期间推出了一款针对原生比特币 Layer 1 资产的点对点期权交易产品—时间锁期权(Hash Timelock Contract Options,简称 HTLC Options)。这款产品在不改变原生比特币点对点支付特性的基础上,利用哈希时间锁合约将期权行权价的支付作为时间锁合约的条件,结合 Taproot 签名算法来实现在比特币原生链上的点对点期权交易协议。 这个比特币 DeFi 路线明显不同于目前比较流行的比特币 Layer 2 的 Wrapped Tokens 或者跨链桥。Jasper Vault 的时间锁期权协议允许期权购买者使用稳定币 USDT 在 EVM 链上支付期权费,而期权标的物仍然是比特币本身。清算仍然使用比特币 Layer 1,不需要离开比特币网络的 UTXO 账户。因此,在交易过程中无需跨链桥或转换为任何包装代币(Wrapped Token),完美保留了比特币点对点去中心化的安全性。 Jasper Vault 的时间锁期权协议目前已上线测试版,未来将根据用户和社区的反馈持续完善时间锁期权协议,并进一步对接其他公链,同时开发更多期权之外的应用场景,致力于构建一个维持比特币原生态点对点的去中心化金融系统。 比特币持有者们,你们对这个新玩法有什么看法呢?欢迎在评论区畅所欲言,让我们一起探讨比特币的未来可能性!😉
【加密市场快讯】大家好,本周我们的加密市场有了一些小小的变化,大盘在本周出现了回暖行情,大饼、Sol 系代币、AI 板块概念币都有了不错的涨幅。这波回暖的确定性相对也就较强,一周下来,算是给阴霾许久的社区带来了希望。😊 然而,今日大盘出现小幅回调,据 Coingecko 显示,在市值前 100 加密代币中,绝大部分代币都在下跌,热门币种都有 2%-10% 不等的跌幅。在这略显无聊的行情里,一些特别币种冒出头来,其中包括破产币 FTT 和妖币 TRB。 特别值得一提的是,TRB 是诞生于 2019 年的去中心化预言机 Tellor 项目代币,近一周的时间里,TRB 从 45 美元快速上涨,发展到今日的上涨幅度更为惹眼,截至撰稿前 2 小时内就有了 20% 的涨幅,目前已突破 140 美元。一周涨超三倍之后,TRB 的位置相对于曾经的超 600 美元高位还有近 4 倍的距离,心动的交易玩家应该不在少数。 如果你也蠢蠢欲动,不妨在开单之前回顾一下 TRB 的「妖币」历史。TRB 的大部分筹码集中在少数庄家手中,在当晚的「血洗」中,庄家只需要投入 4000 万美元就可将 TRB 从 280 美元处拉高 80%,轻松掌控画线权力。 回到这次的上涨,一周以前,TRB 从 45 美元启动涨至 60 美元时,社区已经出现许多劝告:「TRB 又开始作妖了,大家千万别上当,即使想玩也要设置好止损,别死磕狗庄」,但当 TRB 陆续突破 100 美元、120 美元乃至 130 美元时,关于 TRB 的合约晒单也多了起来。 所以,大家在交易时一定要谨慎,不要被一时的涨幅所迷惑,做好风险管理是非常重要的。大家对这次的市场有什么看法呢?欢迎在评论区畅所欲言,让我们一起探讨!

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