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Advice to all investors: You can make millions, it is recommended that all investors spend a few minutes to read it! ! ! #大盘走势 Eight pieces of advice for friends who trade in cryptocurrencies 1. Keep confidentiality first, don't brag Don't tell everyone that you trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid trouble. Don't show off your money, otherwise you may get into trouble. 2. Keep a low profile when you make money If you have a lot of money, don't get too close to old friends, protect yourself. 3. Stay away from bad habits, health is the most important Don't touch gambling and drugs, these things are tireless. 4. Don't get angry, harmony brings wealth Be in a good mood, don't get angry all the time, so that you can make money more smoothly and make more wise decisions. 5. Time is precious, improve yourself more Don't waste time, learn more, and make more progress. 6. Don't invest blindly, you have to understand it Don't invest blindly in areas you don't understand, only invest in projects you understand, so the risk is small 7. Don’t follow the crowd, make your own judgment You should buy what others buy, do your own research and invest rationally. 8. Improve yourself and invest smarter Learn more, understand more, so that investment is more reliable The bull market is surging. If you don’t know how to get started, follow me Communicate together and roll funds together The chief of staff will have real-time strategy layout every day. Friends who want to follow the chief of staff and share a piece of the currency circle can follow the "Official Account: Chief of Staff in the Currency Circle" and dance with the dealer together! $BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BTC

Advice to all investors: You can make millions, it is recommended that all investors spend a few minutes to read it! ! ! #大盘走势

Eight pieces of advice for friends who trade in cryptocurrencies

1. Keep confidentiality first, don't brag

Don't tell everyone that you trade in cryptocurrencies to avoid trouble. Don't show off your money, otherwise you may get into trouble.

2. Keep a low profile when you make money

If you have a lot of money, don't get too close to old friends, protect yourself.

3. Stay away from bad habits, health is the most important

Don't touch gambling and drugs, these things are tireless.

4. Don't get angry, harmony brings wealth

Be in a good mood, don't get angry all the time, so that you can make money more smoothly and make more wise decisions.

5. Time is precious, improve yourself more

Don't waste time, learn more, and make more progress.

6. Don't invest blindly, you have to understand it

Don't invest blindly in areas you don't understand, only invest in projects you understand, so the risk is small

7. Don’t follow the crowd, make your own judgment

You should buy what others buy, do your own research and invest rationally.

8. Improve yourself and invest smarter

Learn more, understand more, so that investment is more reliable

The bull market is surging. If you don’t know how to get started, follow me

Communicate together and roll funds together

The chief of staff will have real-time strategy layout every day. Friends who want to follow the chief of staff and share a piece of the currency circle can follow the "Official Account: Chief of Staff in the Currency Circle" and dance with the dealer together! $BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #ETH #BTC

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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比特币修正何时结束?凌晨比特币短线稳健盈利布局!🚀🚀      比特币的价格未能创下历史新高,目前正在进行调整。然而,牛市可能还远未结束。      在日线图上来看,价格未能保持在6600美元以上,目前正在进行调整。这不是一个好兆头,因为加密货币最近突破了一个大的下降通道,但一直难以继续走高,这是一个虚假的突破。RSI也已降至50%以下,表明动量再次看跌。目前看来,有可能向6万美元的支撑区下跌。      从4小时图来看,情况似乎有所好转。价格一直在横向通道内整合。虽然市场最近突破了通道下方,但它很快又回到了通道内部。如果价格在通道内回升,市场可以再次测试该模式的更高边界,位于7200美元大关附近。然而,如果通道破裂,将很快跌至60000美元的水平。      凌晨比特币短线操作建议:      建议比特币65800-65600附近多单进场,目标66600-67000,如果站稳67000可以继续持有!      如果回调建议65200补仓多,目标66400!      想了解更多币圈的相关知识,一手的前沿资讯和实时策略布局,可以关注查看主页!我会根据实时趋势给你最精准的策略,让你赚到想要的收益!#币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
拿下,不负众望$ETH 多单再次拿下70点收益,一份信任换一份收益💰💰 昨日晚间布局$ETH 多单,感谢很多的投资者对参谋长的信任,也有跟上参谋长布局,但是因为昨天晚间以太坊再次回调到低点3361附近,导致很多没有添加参谋长的投资者自己可能操作失误或者不会分配仓位,出现部分亏损,参谋长在这里给各位投资者道歉,但是有添加到参谋长的朋友,经过我的指导,严格按照我的操作执行,都有不错的收益! 前面我也给大家讲过,我们做交易要有合理的计划性: ①我们该如何控制风险: 在数据或者爆跌爆涨的情况下不会出现爆仓风险。 ②我们如何合理的分配自己仓位: 在暴跌爆涨多少点我们还能补仓拉低均价,反弹即可获利脱手。(切勿重仓交易,给自己交易留空间) ③结合消息面,资金面,技术面进行分析,是该买跌买涨: 不是看着趋势涨跌跟着买,短暂的行情波动说明不了什么,趋势做反怎么补都没有用。 ④懂得如何及时止盈: 根据趋势判断,币价会达到那个点位,我们要及时懂得止盈出局,可能因为你的一时贪心导致全盘皆输,我们做交易不可能吃到每一次布局的全部利润,只要有稳健的收益落袋为安! 只要各位投资者能按照上面操作执行,参谋长不能让你成为百万富翁,但是可以有个稳健的收益。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识,一手的前沿资讯和实时策略布局,可以关注查看主页!我会根据实时趋势给你最精准的策略,让你赚到想要的收益!#币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期
#凌晨$BTC $ETH 再次下跌!是什么原因导致的呢?      比特币以太坊再次下跌,突破了一个关键的支撑位。自美联储宣布以来,投资者的焦虑加剧,ETH ETF的预期上市已推迟到7月中下旬。上市期的延长和负面的宏观经济因素使问题复杂化。      内容隐藏:①是什么导致加密货币下跌②全球市场反应如何?③投资者的3个关键观察      ㈠是什么导致加密货币下跌?      最近,美国证券交易委员会主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)对Terra发表评论,认为大多数加密货币都是证券,缺乏监管可能会导致灾难性的结果,正如Terra案所示。在这些言论之后,比特币跌至65600美元。访问NEWSLINKER获取最新技术新闻。      此外,自周三晚间以来,美联储成员上调三年期利率预测,抑制了投资者的热情。第三,Gensler暗示,ETH ETF的上市进程将持续到7月中旬,推迟了任何积极消息。      ㈡全球市场反应如何?      更糟糕的是,丁香园指数攀升至105.5点以上。美联储的声明和负面就业数据相结合,由于紧缩货币政策的持续,美元走强。在加拿大和欧洲降息的同时,美联储的谨慎立场导致美元更快地走强,可能导致风险市场的抛售增加。      ㈢投资者的主要观察      –BTC的短期支撑位为66250美元,如果不收回,可能会降至60200美元。      –美元走强可能导致加密货币和其他风险市场的进一步抛售。投资者应密切关注美联储的公告和宏观经济指标。      ETH ETF上市延迟表明潜在的短期市场不稳定。随着美国市场继续处于负值区间,罗素2000指数下跌超过2%,这种情况反映出投资者的风险偏好普遍下降。      本文中包含的信息不构成投资建议,想了解更多币圈的相关知识,一手的前沿资讯和实时策略布局,可以关注查看主页!

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