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A drop of water can penetrate a stone, believe in the power of accumulation. All your persistence will eventually become the light on you and illuminate the way forward. From the hourly line, the Bollinger Bands are open, and the operating channel shows signs of gradually opening. The currency price has tested the lower track support many times, but it has failed to form a continuation and form a physical breakthrough. This shows that this support is still relatively strong in the short term, and the energy column of Kongtou is gradually shrinking. Our overall Silk Road can still be seen. The four-hour pan surface has gone out of the continuous Yang pattern. It can be seen that it is adjusting for the big positive column yesterday night. It is still going through a volatile trend in the near future. KDJ is currently in the trend of turning back and moving towards the golden cross, and there will be further developments in the future. The key point is that the MACD short energy column is also slowly shrinking. In the near future, the general trend is still more opportunities to be bullish! Morning personal advice There is a lot of pie around 27,500, and the target is around 28,000 Two cakes: There are many near 1570, the target is near 1610 #BTC #ETH

A drop of water can penetrate a stone, believe in the power of accumulation. All your persistence will eventually become the light on you and illuminate the way forward.

From the hourly line, the Bollinger Bands are open, and the operating channel shows signs of gradually opening. The currency price has tested the lower track support many times, but it has failed to form a continuation and form a physical breakthrough. This shows that this support is still relatively strong in the short term, and the energy column of Kongtou is gradually shrinking. Our overall Silk Road can still be seen.

The four-hour pan surface has gone out of the continuous Yang pattern. It can be seen that it is adjusting for the big positive column yesterday night. It is still going through a volatile trend in the near future. KDJ is currently in the trend of turning back and moving towards the golden cross, and there will be further developments in the future. The key point is that the MACD short energy column is also slowly shrinking. In the near future, the general trend is still more opportunities to be bullish!

Morning personal advice

There is a lot of pie around 27,500, and the target is around 28,000

Two cakes: There are many near 1570, the target is near 1610


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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