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[Investment firm with $77 billion under management weighs in on Avalanche (AVAX)] Avalanche (AVAX) has seen a significant decrease in users and activity, according to a new report from VanEck. The report pointed out that in September, Avalanche’s daily active users fell by 34% compared with August, and its transaction fees fell by 45%, becoming the second largest decline among the smart contract platforms tracked by VanEck. There are only 28 active developers per week, which is much lower than Solana’s 165 and Polygon’s 125, representing a year-on-year decline of 70%. Nonetheless, Avalanche recently updated its “Hyper SDK” so that it can support 143,000 transactions per second, far exceeding Solana’s 50,000 TPS and Ethereum’s estimated 300 TPS. Avalanche is committed to creating an AVAX-driven multi-chain network, and Ava Labs has developed the software to run Avalanche, hoping to earn consulting fees by helping others develop the Avalanche blockchain. However, in September 2023, the total locked value of C-Chain was only US$500 million, the daily fee was US$11,000, and the number of daily active users was 34,000, a significant drop. This is partly down to the bankruptcy of its main backer Three Arrows Capital and a lack of product diversification. VanEck believes that although Avalanche's technology has great potential, there are doubts about whether it can effectively attract enterprise customers to revitalize its blockchain. VanEck is conservative about AVAX's prospects as Avalanche's developer community shrinks rapidly and venture capital investment becomes more cautious. #鴉快訊 $AVAX

[Investment firm with $77 billion under management weighs in on Avalanche (AVAX)]

Avalanche (AVAX) has seen a significant decrease in users and activity, according to a new report from VanEck.

The report pointed out that in September, Avalanche’s daily active users fell by 34% compared with August, and its transaction fees fell by 45%, becoming the second largest decline among the smart contract platforms tracked by VanEck. There are only 28 active developers per week, which is much lower than Solana’s 165 and Polygon’s 125, representing a year-on-year decline of 70%.

Nonetheless, Avalanche recently updated its “Hyper SDK” so that it can support 143,000 transactions per second, far exceeding Solana’s 50,000 TPS and Ethereum’s estimated 300 TPS. Avalanche is committed to creating an AVAX-driven multi-chain network, and Ava Labs has developed the software to run Avalanche, hoping to earn consulting fees by helping others develop the Avalanche blockchain.

However, in September 2023, the total locked value of C-Chain was only US$500 million, the daily fee was US$11,000, and the number of daily active users was 34,000, a significant drop. This is partly down to the bankruptcy of its main backer Three Arrows Capital and a lack of product diversification.

VanEck believes that although Avalanche's technology has great potential, there are doubts about whether it can effectively attract enterprise customers to revitalize its blockchain. VanEck is conservative about AVAX's prospects as Avalanche's developer community shrinks rapidly and venture capital investment becomes more cautious.

#鴉快訊 $AVAX

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【Stacks 聯合創辦人推出新的 BTC 重新抵押協議計劃】 比特幣 Layer2 項目 Stacks 的聯合創辦人 Muneeb Ali 最近在社交媒體平台 X 上分享了關於未來工作的振奮人心的更新。他介紹了導致期待中的 Nakamoto Part 2 升級的幾個關鍵進展,並強調了將顯著提升 Stacks 和比特幣生態系能力的創新。 Ali 重點介紹了新的比特幣重押協議,旨在於 Stacks 上實現比特幣收益,同時保持流動性。他表示:「這可以讓使用者在 Layer2 DeFi 中部署比特幣,但仍保持其錢包中的比特幣流動性以供其它用途。」這項發展將為 Stacks 使用者提供更大的靈活性和比特幣持有量的效用。 使用者將能夠抵押比特幣,並通過流動錢包使用其持有量。另一個重要進展是將 Stacks 的即將推出的本地代幣 $sBTC 與主要合作夥伴整合。此外,Ali 提到對 $sBTC 的強大機構支持,他說:「部分支持已公開,參與開放工作組的人可以了解更多。對 $sBTC 的機構支持一直在成長。」 儘管 Nakamoto Part 2 升級面臨延遲,但 Ali 對延長開發期的好處感到樂觀。他表示:「Nakamoto Part 2 延遲 8 週進行額外開發並不理想,但這意味著(a)sBTC 可以快速跟隨 Nakamoto,並且(b)一些更進一步的 WASM 工作可以成熟。」 這段額外的時間將確保新功能的穩定性和強大性。Ali 還強調了測試和升級基礎設施的改進,這將導致更快、更高品質的未來更新。他指出:「測試和升級基礎設施的改進很多,意味著更快的上市速度和 Nakamoto 之後的更高品質的未來升級(如 $sBTC 全面和 WASM 等)。」 安全性仍然是首要任務,新的新創公司和項目都專注於 DeFi 安全和營運安全。Ali 強調了這些安全措施的重要性,尤其是在最近的事件後。 儘管面臨挑戰,Ali 對 Stacks 生態系的韌性和成長充滿信心。他說:「羅馬不是一天建成的。Stacks 生態系一直致力於做困難的事情,做正確的事情,推進比特幣經濟的擴展。這個生態系繼續引領比特幣 Layer2 的發展。」 在四月,Stacks 開發者 Mitchell Cuevas 宣布將 Nakamoto 升級的啟動時間延長,以便開發更先進的 Signer彈性/恢復系統。核心開發者強調確保網路穩定性和安全性的重要性,將 Nakamoto 啟動日期改為 2024 年 8 月 28 日。新的時間線旨在提供更好的礦工彈性,改善的 Signer 反應處理,以及增強的網路穩定性。Stacks 社群期待一個更安全、更強大的生態系,繼續建立在比特幣的基礎上。 #鴉快訊 $STX @Stacks Network
【分析師表示,現貨以太坊 ETF 的批准可能會將 ETH 價格推至 5,000 美元】 加密交易公司 QCP Capital 的分析師表示,若美國證券交易委員會(SEC)意外批准現貨以太坊 ETF,以太幣價格可能在今年晚些時候攀升至 5,000 美元。 5 月 21 日的分析更新中,QCP Capital 指出,若 SEC 批准現貨以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF),以太幣的價格短期內可能會達到 4,000 美元。如果最終批准,市值第二大的加密貨幣可能會在今年年底達到 5,000 美元。然而,若金融監管機構拒絕 ETF 申請,市場可能回落至 3,000 美元,以太幣在 2,900 美元的水準上多次顯示出強力支撐。 「這種不確定性導致波動性增加,但更好的交易可能是現貨-期貨基礎,現在再次產生超過 10% 的收益。」QCP Capital 表示。 傳言中的可能批准導致以太坊價格接近上漲 20%,在週二達到 3,800 美元。QCP Capital 警告說,市場「缺乏興趣」的回應,再加上批准現貨以太坊 ETF,可能將以太幣推回到近期高點。分析師警告,意外批准可能觸發短期壓力,將以太幣推向新高。 此外,SEC 可能對以太坊和抵押以太坊之間進行微妙區分,將後者分類為證券。根據 Galaxy Digital 的研究主管 Alex Thorn 的說法,這種策略符合 SEC 的法律戰略,讓該委員會能夠批准以太坊 ETF,同時保持既定監管立場。 #鴉快訊 $ETH @Ethereum

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