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[Stacks co-founder launches new BTC re-mortgage protocol plan] Muneeb Ali, co-founder of Bitcoin Layer 2 project Stacks, recently took to social media platform X to share an exciting update about the future of work. He introduced several key developments leading to the anticipated Nakamoto Part 2 upgrade and highlighted innovations that will significantly enhance the capabilities of Stacks and the Bitcoin ecosystem. Ali highlighted the new Bitcoin restaking protocol designed to enable Bitcoin gains on Stacks while maintaining liquidity. “This allows users to deploy Bitcoin in Layer 2 DeFi but still maintain Bitcoin liquidity in their wallets for other uses,” he said. This development will provide Stacks users with greater flexibility and Bitcoin The utility of currency holdings. Users will be able to stake Bitcoin and use their holdings through liquid wallets. Another important development is the integration of Stacks’ upcoming native token $sBTC with key partners. In addition, Ali mentioned the strong institutional support for $sBTC, saying: “Part of the support has been made public, and those participating in the open working group can learn more. Institutional support for $sBTC has been growing.” Although the Nakamoto Part 2 upgrade faces delays, Ali is optimistic about the benefits of an extended development period. “Delaying Nakamoto Part 2 by 8 weeks for additional development is not ideal, but it means that (a) sBTC can quickly follow Nakamoto, and (b) some further WASM work can mature,” he said. This additional time will ensure the stability and robustness of the new features. Ali also highlighted improvements to testing and upgrade infrastructure, which will lead to faster, higher-quality future updates. “There are many improvements to the testing and upgrade infrastructure, which means faster time to market and higher quality future upgrades after Nakamoto (like $sBTC Comprehensive and WASM, etc.),” he noted. Security remains a top priority, with new startups and projects focusing on DeFi security and operational security. Ali stressed the importance of these safety measures, especially after recent events. Despite the challenges, Ali is confident in the resilience and growth of the Stacks ecosystem. He said: "Rome was not built in a day.The Stacks ecosystem has always been committed to doing hard things, doing the right things, and advancing the expansion of the Bitcoin economy. This ecosystem continues to lead the development of Bitcoin Layer 2. " In April, Stacks developer Mitchell Cuevas announced that the launch of the Nakamoto upgrade would be extended to allow for the development of a more advanced Signer resiliency/recovery system. Core developers stressed the importance of ensuring network stability and security, changing the Nakamoto launch date to August 28, 2024. The new timeline is designed to provide better miner resiliency, improved Signer response handling, and enhanced network stability. The Stacks community looks forward to a more secure and powerful ecosystem that continues to be built on Bitcoin. #鴉快訊 $STX @Stacks

[Stacks co-founder launches new BTC re-mortgage protocol plan]

Muneeb Ali, co-founder of Bitcoin Layer 2 project Stacks, recently took to social media platform X to share an exciting update about the future of work. He introduced several key developments leading to the anticipated Nakamoto Part 2 upgrade and highlighted innovations that will significantly enhance the capabilities of Stacks and the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Ali highlighted the new Bitcoin restaking protocol designed to enable Bitcoin gains on Stacks while maintaining liquidity. “This allows users to deploy Bitcoin in Layer 2 DeFi but still maintain Bitcoin liquidity in their wallets for other uses,” he said. This development will provide Stacks users with greater flexibility and Bitcoin The utility of currency holdings.

Users will be able to stake Bitcoin and use their holdings through liquid wallets. Another important development is the integration of Stacks’ upcoming native token $sBTC with key partners. In addition, Ali mentioned the strong institutional support for $sBTC, saying: “Part of the support has been made public, and those participating in the open working group can learn more. Institutional support for $sBTC has been growing.”

Although the Nakamoto Part 2 upgrade faces delays, Ali is optimistic about the benefits of an extended development period. “Delaying Nakamoto Part 2 by 8 weeks for additional development is not ideal, but it means that (a) sBTC can quickly follow Nakamoto, and (b) some further WASM work can mature,” he said.

This additional time will ensure the stability and robustness of the new features. Ali also highlighted improvements to testing and upgrade infrastructure, which will lead to faster, higher-quality future updates. “There are many improvements to the testing and upgrade infrastructure, which means faster time to market and higher quality future upgrades after Nakamoto (like $sBTC Comprehensive and WASM, etc.),” he noted.

Security remains a top priority, with new startups and projects focusing on DeFi security and operational security. Ali stressed the importance of these safety measures, especially after recent events.

Despite the challenges, Ali is confident in the resilience and growth of the Stacks ecosystem. He said: "Rome was not built in a day.The Stacks ecosystem has always been committed to doing hard things, doing the right things, and advancing the expansion of the Bitcoin economy. This ecosystem continues to lead the development of Bitcoin Layer 2. "

In April, Stacks developer Mitchell Cuevas announced that the launch of the Nakamoto upgrade would be extended to allow for the development of a more advanced Signer resiliency/recovery system. Core developers stressed the importance of ensuring network stability and security, changing the Nakamoto launch date to August 28, 2024. The new timeline is designed to provide better miner resiliency, improved Signer response handling, and enhanced network stability. The Stacks community looks forward to a more secure and powerful ecosystem that continues to be built on Bitcoin.

#鴉快訊 $STX @Stacks Network

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【幣安透過進階培訓幫助加強國際刑警組織的網路犯罪調查專業知識】 在一個日益數位化的世界中,維護數位金融生態系的安全和信任至關重要。為應對這一挑戰,幣安(Binance)的金融犯罪合規(FCC)團隊於 2024 年 5 月 29 日為國際刑警組織(INTERPOL)舉辦了一次高級培訓會議。 在收到 INTERPOL 官員對入門培訓的正面回饋後,我們策劃了這次高級培訓,以應對對加密貨幣調查和 Web3 網路警務深入理解的需求。培訓深入探討了幣安 FCC 團隊調查工作中的真實案例,並聚焦於加密貨幣犯罪分析的具體技術。 INTERPOL 代表 Horest Au Yeung 指出:「參加這次培訓是一次真正啟發性的體驗。幣安 FCC 團隊分享了幾個真實案例,其中一些我們都很熟悉,給了我們對加密貨幣調查的新視角。這次合作既有價值又令人鼓舞,我們希望這些培訓能夠增強官員的知識和能力。」 幣安的執法培訓負責人 Jarek Jakubcek 表示:「在幣安的工作中,每天都在應對加密產業的網路安全挑戰。我們與 INTERPOL 的合作不僅僅是聯手,還是對挑戰的積極應對。」 他補充道:「我們相信互相知識分享和集體行動的力量。作為我們持續承諾的一部分,我們將繼續與全球執法機構密切合作,以打擊犯罪活動。」 幣安代表 Jarek Jakubcek、Carlos Mak 和 Ferdinando Luca De Pascalis 在一次線上會議中與 INTERPOL 官員分享專業知識。僅在 2023 年,幣安的 FCC 團隊就為全球的網路犯罪專家提供了 120 次研討會和培訓,同時處理了超過 58,000 份來自執法機構的請求。幣安最近舉辦了首屆線上執法培訓日,有來自 86 個國家的超過 1,300 名執法代表參加。 #鴉快訊 @Binance
【Fantom(FTM)價格兩天內上漲 10%:上漲背後的關鍵因素】 配合對交易所淨流量的深入分析,可以全面了解 FTM 的潛力。加入 BeInCrypto,與我們一起深入探討這一分析。 在 4 小時圖表上,Fantom 似乎在 Ichimoku cloud 內整固,目前正在測試其上沿。$0.78 至 $0.81 區間尤為重要,因其與三個關鍵指標相符:100 日 EMA、200 日 EMA 和 Ichimoku cloud 的 4 小時基線。如果價格跌破 Ichimoku cloud ,Fantom 可能在這一區間找到支撐,但明顯跌破則可能意味著情緒從看漲轉為看跌。相反,如果價格保持在 Ichimoku cloud 內並突破上沿,這可能表明看漲勢頭增強和波動性加大。RSI 在 60 附近波動並呈上升趨勢,這表明看漲勢頭正在積聚。 查看 Fantom 的日線圖,有一個看漲信號。價格最近突破 Ichimoku cloud 基線,表明可能出現中期上升趨勢。目前價格舒適地位於 Ichimoku cloud 內,提供了額外的支撐。如果價格突破 Ichimoku cloud 上沿至 $0.88,可能推升至 $0.97。然而,如果價格反轉,FTM 可能會測試 Ichimoku cloud 下沿。這個支撐區間可能形成一道障礙,但如果明顯跌破,價格可能會下探至 100 日 EMA 的 $0.73。進一步跌破 100 日 EMA 可能導致價格急劇下跌至較強的支撐位 $0.647。 檢視 FTM 交易所的淨流量,顯示出明顯的淨流出模式。這表明投資人正在購買 Fantom,隨後將其轉移出交易所,選擇私人錢包或其它儲存方式。當持有者將資產移出交易所,通常會減少可供交易的資源,從而對價格施加上行壓力。持續出現的負淨流量顯示出對 FTM 潛力的強烈信心。投資人選擇長期持有其代幣,而不是參與短期的交易所交易。這種累積和提現的循環與 FTM 價值的健康上升趨勢相符。 如果價格回到 4 小時 Ichimoku cloud ,可能對交易者和投資人發出警告。 Ichimoku cloud 作為支撐和阻力,表明市場情緒的變化。在看漲後重新進入 Ichimoku cloud ,表明可能轉向中性或看跌情緒。監控 Ichimoku cloud 與價格的互動尤為重要,尤其是當價格難以突破 Ichimoku cloud 時,這表明看漲勢頭減弱,可能出現趨勢反轉。$0.78 至 $0.81 區間與斐波那契回撤水準一致,增加了這一謹慎前景的權重。交易者應觀察價格在這些水準和 Ichimoku cloud 邊界的行為,未能突破可能強化看跌偏見,導致趨勢反轉。 #鴉快訊 $FTM @Fantom Foundation
【歐盟將正式推出區塊鏈公共服務】 2018 年,歐盟成員國發起了歐洲區塊鏈服務基礎設施(EBSI),旨在開發基於區塊鏈的公共服務。 目前,歐洲大陸上已有 40 個節點,並開發了多個主要與可驗證憑證相關的應用案例。歐盟委員會現已決定正式成立一個新的法律實體——歐洲數位基礎設施聯盟(EDIC),以便更簡單地共享成本並管理這個網路。 EDIC 將由九個成員組成,包括比利時(主辦國)、克羅地亞、賽普勒斯、希臘、義大利、盧森堡、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞和斯洛維尼亞。波蘭已申請加入,若成功將成為第十個成員。 儘管未來將開發更多基於區塊鏈的公共服務,但目前歐盟重點關注的是可驗證憑證,包括個人文件、產品和法人實體。 自 1993 年 11 月歐盟成立以來,儘管已進行了許多整合,但仍沒有全歐洲範圍內的方式來驗證教育證書或公司/組織的官方文件。同樣,假冒商品仍然很多,尤其是在奢侈品產業。這些 EBSI 應用可以解決這些問題以及更多其它問題。 在 CoinGeek,我們多年來一直在報導區塊鏈技術可以用於遠超貨幣交易的用途。通過追蹤和追溯全球供應鏈上的商品來減少假貨是不可變公共帳本的一個正當用途,而像 Alpha Dapp 這樣的公司已經使得將教育證書放在 BSV 區塊鏈上變得容易。 在所有產業,包括教育證書、供應鏈和貨幣系統,減少詐欺和損失都得益於可擴展的公共區塊鏈。例如,IBM(NASDAQ:IBM)和 Gate2Chain 開發的 Trace App,就是公共實用區塊鏈可以實現的範例之一。 我一直表示,歐盟在區塊鏈技術上的進展令我印象深刻。雖然歐盟是一個龐大且繁瑣的官僚機構,但在這個產業的進展比世界上大多數地區都快。 除了歐洲區塊鏈服務基礎設施(EBSI)這樣的倡議外,歐盟還制定了一些世界上最全面的區塊鏈和數位貨幣法規,稱為加密資產市場法規(MiCA)。它已將區塊鏈列為其數位十年計劃中的重點產業,並迅速開始探索數位歐元和歐洲數位身份錢包。 雖然這些倡議會有支持者和批評者,但不可否認的是,歐盟在區塊鏈技術、數位資產及其潛在應用方面正迅速前進。結合其人工智慧法案、基於超級計算機的人工智慧工廠和強大的數位權利,到下個十年初,歐盟很可能在這些相互關聯的產業中成為領跑者。 #鴉快訊

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