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At the current weekend, the market continues to maintain a low liquidity shock pattern. Many copycats have languished under the volatile market conditions. However, it can be noted that the DeFi sector has relatively high activity, and most tokens in this sector have generally risen. Although the increase is not large, it is rare that it is not red. According to the rules of the past three months, basically Bitcoin sideways counterfeits will become active, but at present, the market as a whole is stagnant. The relevant activity sectors after DeFi are all related to it. RWA physical pledge sector LSD Liquidity Pledge, Under the premise that the market does not have good stories and narratives, the activities of established financial attributes are still relatively active. I don’t know at the moment whether this is a stretch before the bull market or the last struggle at the bottom of the bear market! ? #BTC #RWA

At the current weekend, the market continues to maintain a low liquidity shock pattern.

Many copycats have languished under the volatile market conditions.

However, it can be noted that the DeFi sector has relatively high activity, and most tokens in this sector have generally risen. Although the increase is not large, it is rare that it is not red.

According to the rules of the past three months, basically Bitcoin sideways counterfeits will become active, but at present, the market as a whole is stagnant. The relevant activity sectors after DeFi are all related to it.

RWA physical pledge sector

LSD Liquidity Pledge,

Under the premise that the market does not have good stories and narratives, the activities of established financial attributes are still relatively active.

I don’t know at the moment whether this is a stretch before the bull market or the last struggle at the bottom of the bear market! ?


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用数据说话: 资金回流,风险偏好依然较差。 本周事情比较多导致中间数据断层,不过正好空出了这一笔比特币上涨的数据,我们对比一下周一与当前周四的数据对比,来看一下市场在比特币上涨的情况下如何。 首先市场市值增幅下主力是比特币本身,对比周一的数据,以太坊与山寨市值居然没有伴随比特币市值增加而增加,反而出现下降,市场占比也是如此,比特币占比已经来到了52%,大量吸血山寨与以太坊。 交易量方面,整体交易量都在增加,但是区别却很大。通过市值增减幅来看,比特币的交易量增加是伴随着价格上涨,代表多头情绪的增加,也代表消化了不少的空头情绪,同时流动性增加,是好事。 反观,以太坊与山寨,伴随着市值整体下降的增量,反而代表空头力量的加剧,并非是好事。 而资金方面目前不错,场内稳定币资金增加4亿,场外资金净流入7.14亿,去掉稳定币市值增加的4亿,也就是有3.14亿直接参与到了交易中。 其中亚洲资金这几天增量5.09亿,数据不错,美国资金增加2.05亿,虽然额度不多,但是回流的资金也在代表美国交易者的情绪逐渐回暖。尤其是在周三CPI数据公布之后的美股休盘后的凌晨6点,大幅资金回流,也预示着在数据利好的情绪下,美国交易者情绪的好转。 虽然市场数据好坏参半,但是根据目前比特币占比增加的情况来看,场内的情绪依旧不容乐观,目前的风险情绪偏好是偏向于观望与谨慎的,所以比特币的交易份额增加,反观以太坊与山寨还是偏差,也从另一个角度展现交易者对于当前市场的风险倾向更倾向于比特币,所以市场整体回暖,依旧是要看比特币的脸色。 虽然美国资金出现回流,但是回流的也是伴随着CPI数据的利好,美国资金能否继续回流市场,市场对于宏观经济下的利好情绪是否可以得到延续,这一点非常重要。 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析
比特币盘面情况: 在市场情绪主导下的比特币盘面,其实我们无法用技术去分析太多,理论上站稳62,400上方哪怕是出现回落,价格依旧是处于价格安全区间,但是如果以当前价格回落到62,400,反而会在短期引起很多人的悲观空头情绪,这就是情绪主导下的市场。 目前继续看涨,上方月线阻力位在即,68,000这个月线阻力位本周提到过几次,而这个月线阻力位突破非常关键,因为会直接代表月线多头情绪的突破。 下方回落,短期看65,000附近,日线EMA50,继续回落看中线关键位置62,400,如果下跌无法跌破该位置,并且出现反弹,可以视为是日线布林带上轨的震荡运行,而跌破,则价格再次进入下轨运行,不利于多头。 至于下方的支撑,目前距离较远,先不去提,图中有。值得一说的是,周线大支撑经过这段时间运行上移,也就是说在保持60,000上方震荡运行中,虽然不能保证比特币价格始终多头上涨,但是下方支撑的上移,也会更有效防御价格下跌的空间。 RSI今日触及70后并未触及超卖区间回落,虽然价格上涨突破,但是多头情绪爆发并未彻底,所以目前密切注意短期回落之后的支撑情况在做定论。 都在说比特币涨,山寨跌或者不动,根本原因在于市场也需要确认,本次上涨是多头趋势的开始,还是短期的情绪挤压下的爆发反弹,如果是后者,那么多头情绪释放完成,后继无力就要回落,而山寨方面就需要等待验证结果才能敢于出来交易。 稍后我们一起关注市场数据与资金的变化,看看数据告诉我们什么答案。 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落

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