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What kind of money is the best to make in China? Money for lustful men, money for women who love beauty; money for poor people to get rich, money for rich people to be afraid of death; money for children's education, money for lazy people to make things easier; money for lonely pets, money for the health of the elderly. If you want to make money, remember a formula: women are afraid of being ugly, children are afraid of being stupid, and old people are afraid of death. Seize the weaknesses of human nature, which are the biggest business opportunities. The currency circle also understands human nature, and the biggest word is "greed". Human nature is greedy, and people fantasize about getting rich overnight, so they are taken advantage of by Gouzhuang. Why electronic fraud can be successful is because it can catch people's weaknesses. Therefore, whoever truly understands human nature can manipulate users and control the market. In all products and marketing, you can get out of the circle by playing with human nature thoroughly. For example, some people like to eat melons, some people like to read jokes, and some people like to play clowns and gain traffic. It is easy for vulgar things to penetrate because the average person’s spiritual level is relatively vulgar and their willpower is relatively weak. This is why, only 3% of the people in the world control the entire world. Of course, this is a pyramid shape, with 20% of people controlling the remaining 80%. So everyone wants to work hard to get to the top. However, it may take hundreds of years to truly reach the core circle of upper class society, unless you are the chosen one with extraordinary talents. Although many nouveau riche look wealthy, they are "expensive" and not "elegant". Work hard, friend. One day, you will reach the top you want.

What kind of money is the best to make in China? Money for lustful men, money for women who love beauty; money for poor people to get rich, money for rich people to be afraid of death; money for children's education, money for lazy people to make things easier; money for lonely pets, money for the health of the elderly. If you want to make money, remember a formula: women are afraid of being ugly, children are afraid of being stupid, and old people are afraid of death. Seize the weaknesses of human nature, which are the biggest business opportunities. The currency circle also understands human nature, and the biggest word is "greed". Human nature is greedy, and people fantasize about getting rich overnight, so they are taken advantage of by Gouzhuang. Why electronic fraud can be successful is because it can catch people's weaknesses. Therefore, whoever truly understands human nature can manipulate users and control the market. In all products and marketing, you can get out of the circle by playing with human nature thoroughly. For example, some people like to eat melons, some people like to read jokes, and some people like to play clowns and gain traffic. It is easy for vulgar things to penetrate because the average person’s spiritual level is relatively vulgar and their willpower is relatively weak. This is why, only 3% of the people in the world control the entire world. Of course, this is a pyramid shape, with 20% of people controlling the remaining 80%. So everyone wants to work hard to get to the top. However, it may take hundreds of years to truly reach the core circle of upper class society, unless you are the chosen one with extraordinary talents. Although many nouveau riche look wealthy, they are "expensive" and not "elegant". Work hard, friend. One day, you will reach the top you want.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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VC是不是这轮下跌最大的凶手?深度的聊聊VC币 近期关于高fdv的vc币成为了热点讨论对象。很多人认为高fdv的vc币害了市场。搞的散户没办法,只能参与meme币。笑哥对于这类观点只赞同一部分。赞同的部分是高fdv的币持续影响币种单价,导致二级市场接盘的人赚不到钱,这点很认同。但是高fdv是vc们设计的,不是那么赞同。理由如下: 1、最开始的高fdv项目,确实是由于某些全球顶级vc和项目方共同攒局开始了低流通量的先河。慢慢的其他的项目方学习起来。 2、这种风气的兴起,除了全球最顶级的攒局vc外,普遍都是受害者。包括95%以上的vc,甚至是国内顶级vc可能也都是受害者。 3、vc在这场博弈中是否能够赚钱,是在于vc是否能够有项目的定价权。而能够有优质项目定价权的机构,是需要具备全球级别攒局能力、资金能力、孵化能力(市场能力、品牌能力、经济模型能力)等等全方位能力的。同时拥有这些能力的机构全球不超过十家,而市面上的vc基金是数以千计的。 4、很多项目的定价权是在项目方自己手里的。在牛市之中,项目很容易通过二级市场龙头项目的表现给自己做一级市场定价的。举例:gamefi的兴起是由于axs的暴涨。axs巅峰几十亿美金的市值,一个一级市场项目,如果游戏基本面和团队基本面远超axs的话,是很容易拿到一个一亿美金以上的估值的,毕竟就算这样的估值未来对比天花板项目还是有几十倍的涨幅空间。vc如果要投这样的项目,就只能妥协估值和解锁,这是没办法的事情。当热点赛道来临时,供需关系是,资金远大于“优质项目”的。这时候“优质项目”是有定价权的。 5、很多“优质项目”在21、22年融资之后告诉你tge30%,那么两年后的今天,告诉你tge变成了5%,如果你不同意可以给你退款。如果你是vc这时候你如何选择?同意了,你要接受tge巨大的变化,那么很可能开盘回不了本。不同意,那么两年资金的时间成本你自己去承担。或者你拿着合同去起诉项目?牛市天天那么多事情,作为vc谁会去花这么大的精力去起诉一个项目方呢?!最终大部分VC通常会选择同意项目方的条款。 6、客观说,vc币事件,“无定价权”的vc可能是最大受害群体之一。自己扛着最毒的打的同时,挨最狠的骂。 7、不站队,只是客观分析这件事情的成因,供大家参考。供需决定价格!造成市场下跌的原因是所有人造成的,如果市场不接受,VC就会改变策略。适者生存,不适者淘汰。 #山寨币热点 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准

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