Kava Lend price

Kava Lend Pris (HARD)

1 Kava Lend er lig med C$0.259425 CAD+3.58%1 d
Priserne på kryptovaluta er underlagt høj markedsrisiko og prisvolatilitet. Du bør kun investere i produkter, du kender, og hvor du forstår de tilhørende risici.
Side sidst opdateret: 2025-03-24 11:33 (UTC+0)
Hvad synes du om Kava Lend i dag?
Bemærk: Disse oplysninger er kun til reference.

Dagens pris på HARD

Den aktuelle pris på Kava Lend er C$0.259425 pr. (HARD/CAD) med en aktuel markedsværdi på C$34.97M CAD. 24-timers handelsbeløb er C$3.05M CAD. Prisen på HARD til CAD er opdateret i realtid. Kava Lend er +3.58% i de sidste 24 timer med et cirkulerende udbud på 134.79M.
HARD Prishistorik CAD
DatosammenligningBeløbsændring% ændring
I dag
30 dage
60 dage
90 dage

Prisoplysninger om HARD

24 timer høj/lav
Lav: C$0.24648
Høj: C$0.260214
Den højeste og laveste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Den højeste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv, siden det blev lanceret eller opført på børsen.
Prisændring (1 t)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 1 time siden.
Prisændring (24 timer)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 24 timer siden.
Prisændring (7 d)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 7 dage siden.

Markedsoplysninger om HARD

Popularitet er baseret på aktivernes relative markedsværdi.
Markedskapitalen beregnes ved at multiplicere aktivets cirkulerende udbud med dets aktuelle pris.
Volumen (24 timer)
Den samlede dollarværdi for alle transaktioner med dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Cirkulerende udbud
Antallet af coins, der cirkulerer på markedet, og som er tilgængelige for offentligheden til handel, svarende til offentligt handlede aktier på aktiemarkedet.
Samlet maksimalt udbud
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".
Fuldt udvandet markedsværdi
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".

Hvad kan du gøre med Kava Lend (HARD)?

Udforsk, hvordan du bruger dine kryptovalutaer med Binance.

About Kava Lend (HARD)

Kava Lend is referenced as a decentralized money market platform that is built on the interoperable, cross-chain capable Cosmos blockchain network, which leverages its network token ATOM to operate and function. The main function of Kava Lend is as a cross-chain blockchain lending and borrowing protocol. It supports supply-side deposits for assets like BTC, XRP, BNB, BUSD, ATOM, KAVA, and USDX.

Kava Lend works by leveraging the Kava blockchain to offer secure and scalable cross-chain DeFi services. Users can deposit their digital assets into the Kava Lend platform, which then allocates these assets into lending pools. Borrowers can take loans from these pools by providing collateral in supported cryptocurrencies. The interest rates for lending and borrowing are dynamically determined based on supply and demand within the platform.

The cross-chain operation promoted by the Kava Lend protocol is powered by the Inter-blockchain Communication protocol (IBC). The IBC protocol grants interoperability to projects that build their networks on Cosmos as an official ‘zone’, which are essentially sidechains that depend on the functionality of the Cosmos Hub, or main chain.

As a notable feat, Kava Lend was announced as the Binance Launchpad project of the year in 2020. The award was given to Kava Lend based on leading in the sum of four categories that were used in the scoring scheme: First was market performance, or ROI; and second, the project’s contribution and influence made to the Binance ecosystem; third, staking and savings which were held on the platform; and fourth, the number of campaigns directed to give back to the Binance community.

As another notable mention, Curve Finance, a popular decentralized finance protocol on Ethereum, has an established pool on the Kava Lend platform. Kava Lend encourages developers to engage the platform in order to develop and deploy dApps to impact the web3 environment through the ecosystem’s ‘Rise’ initiative.

Kava Lend is known by its token ticker $HARD. The HARD token is used for platform governance voting, as a reward for lenders and borrowers and for KAVA token stakers on the platform. The price of HARD is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Kava Lend

  1. What is HARD Used For?

    The HARD token is used to incentivize participation in the network. Lenders and borrowers earn HARD tokens as rewards for their participation. Additionally, HARD holders can participate in governance by voting on key decisions such as changes to protocol parameters, new asset listings, and other upgrades.

  2. How Does Network Consensus And Validation Work On Kava Lend?

    Kava Lend is dependent on the underlying Tendermint consensus algorithm created and implemented by Cosmos. Tendermint empowers a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus method which secures the network.

    The model enables operations and transactions to persist even in the event of network difficulties, including breaches or attacks which only affect a portion of the blockchain.

  3. Who Is the Founder of Kava Lend?

    Kava Labs Inc is the development company behind the launch and upkeep of the Kava Lend protocol and decentralized finance platform. The co-founders of Kava Labs Inc are Brian Kerr, self-identified simply as an entrepreneur, Ruaridh O’Donnell and Scott Stuart. The platform was originally founded in 2017 and development was said to ensue into 2018.

  4. What is the maximum token supply of HARD?

    There are 200,000,000 HARD tokens established as the maximum supply. At the time of writing, there are 134,791,668 HARD tokens in circulation.

  5. What Makes Kava Lend Different From Others?

    Given the interoperable, cross-chain nature of the Cosmos blockchain and Inter-blockchain Communication protocol which is leveraged by any network that chooses to build on the platform, Kava Lend is seen as having a potential advantage simply based upon being deployed on Cosmos. The decentralized lending operation is inherently cross-chain capable, made possible by Cosmos. The network is fundamentally aligned with the Ethereum network, giving the Kava Lend platform extended reach into the most active smart contract network in the world in Ethereum ($ETH).

  6. How To Buy Kava Lend (HARD)?

    Kava Lend (HARD) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. Kava Lend (HARD) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Live Kava Lend coin price is updated in real-time. HARD coin price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How to Buy Kava Lend (HARD) Guide.

  7. How Much Will HARD Be Worth in Future?

    Check out our HARD Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

Binance Square

Priserne på kryptovaluta er underlagt høj markedsrisiko og prisvolatilitet. Du bør kun investere i produkter, du kender, og hvor du forstår de tilhørende risici. Indholdet på denne side er ikke og skal ikke opfattes som en garanti fra Binance i forhold til pålideligheden eller nøjagtigheden af dette indhold. Du bør nøje overveje din investeringserfaring, din økonomiske situation, dit investeringsmål og din risikotolerance og konsultere en uafhængig finansiel rådgiver, før du foretager en investering. Dette materiale skal ikke opfattes som økonomisk rådgivning. Tidligere resultater er ikke en pålidelig indikator for fremtidige resultater. Værdien af din investering kan gå op eller ned, og du får muligvis ikke det investerede beløb tilbage. Du bærer hele ansvaret for dine investeringsbeslutninger. Binance er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle økonomiske tab. For yderligere oplysninger kan du læse vores vilkår for anvendelse og risikoadvarsel. Bemærk også, at data vedrørende den ovennævnte kryptovaluta, der præsenteres her (såsom den aktuelle livepris), er baseret på tredjepartskilder. De præsenteres for dig på et "som de er"-grundlag udelukkende til informative og illustrative formål, uden nogen form for repræsentation eller garanti. Links til tredjepartswebsteder er heller ikke under Binances kontrol. Binance er ikke ansvarlig for pålideligheden og nøjagtigheden af sådanne tredjeparters websites og deres indhold.