Automata Network price

Automata Network Pris (ATA)

ATA til COP:
1 Automata Network er lig med COL$276.70 COP+7.98%1 d
Side sidst opdateret: 2025-03-26 08:08 (UTC+0)
Hvad synes du om Automata Network i dag?
Bemærk: Disse oplysninger er kun til reference.

Dagens pris på ATA

Den aktuelle pris på Automata Network er COL$276.70 pr. (ATA/COP) med en aktuel markedsværdi på COL$162.64B COP. 24-timers handelsbeløb er COL$46.54B COP. Prisen på ATA til COP er opdateret i realtid. Automata Network er +7.98% i de sidste 24 timer med et cirkulerende udbud på 587.79M.
ATA Prishistorik COP
DatosammenligningBeløbsændring% ændring
I dag
30 dage
60 dage
90 dage

Prisoplysninger om ATA

24 timer høj/lav
Lav: COL$253.81
Høj: COL$277.32
Den højeste og laveste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Den højeste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv, siden det blev lanceret eller opført på børsen.
Prisændring (1 t)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 1 time siden.
Prisændring (24 timer)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 24 timer siden.
Prisændring (7 d)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 7 dage siden.

Markedsoplysninger om ATA

Popularitet er baseret på aktivernes relative markedsværdi.
Markedskapitalen beregnes ved at multiplicere aktivets cirkulerende udbud med dets aktuelle pris.
Volumen (24 timer)
Den samlede dollarværdi for alle transaktioner med dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Cirkulerende udbud
Antallet af coins, der cirkulerer på markedet, og som er tilgængelige for offentligheden til handel, svarende til offentligt handlede aktier på aktiemarkedet.
Samlet maksimalt udbud
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".
Fuldt udvandet markedsværdi
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".

Hvad kan du gøre med Automata Network (ATA)?

Udforsk, hvordan du bruger dine kryptovalutaer med Binance.

About Automata Network (ATA)

Automata Network is a decentralized service protocol that provides a privacy middleware layer for decentralized applications (dApps) running on multiple blockchains. Leveraging cryptography and privacy-preserving algorithms, the Automata Network enables several privacy use cases, such as Anonymous Voting, Do-not-track Indexing, and Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) minimization. Developers can utilize Automata's open-source code and APIs to deploy dApps on the network, while users can purportedly transact securely.

The Automata Network has three privacy middleware solutions: Witness, Conveyor, and Librarian.

Automata Witness is a blockchain-agnostic privacy voting mechanism for dApps. With Automata Witness, a project owner can control the level of privacy protection a project uses at a supposed low cost. Voting occurs off-chain, thereby reducing on-chain costs. Chainhook is an on-chain mechanism that triggers execution based on the voting results.

Automata Conveyor is an MEV Minimization solution that creates a front-running-free zone by arranging transactions in a predetermined order. Automata claims that this deters malicious actors from injecting new transactions into its output due to signature mismatch or deleting ordered transactions because transactions are broadcasted throughout the network.

Automata Librarian is a privacy solution for decentralized databases, offering no-tracking data indexing and searches to blockchain users and developers from a variety of data providers. Automata states that this prohibits malicious actors from taking advantage of the transparency of public blockchains in order to obtain critical information that might jeopardize user identity and security.

Among the team's investors are Divergence Capital, IOSG Ventures, Genesis Block Ventures, Jump Trading and the now-defunct Alameda Research.

The platform is powered by the $ATA cryptocurrency. Automata Network Coin price is updated and available on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Automata Network

  1. What is ATA Used For?

    ATA is Automata's native platform token with functionalities including protocol fees, mining rewards, geode allocation, and governance. Miners are paid ATA through protocol fees for running dApps for users on the network and processing transactions.

    ATA holders can participate in the governance of the network. Holding the platform's native cryptocurrency enables users to vote on and submit proposals on parameter changes and protocol development.

  2. Who Is the Automata Network Founder?

    Automata Network was founded by researchers from Zilliqa, LongHash, and Singapore's National University. Deli Gong is named as a co-founder of the project; before co-founding the Automata Network, he worked at Zilliqa.

    The Network was founded in 2019 and has since received a Web3 Grant, participated in the Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator 2021, and given a presentation at the Polkadot Decoded Mainstage. 

    Automata Network launched its coin in June 2021 and reached an all-time high at an ATA price of $0.47 in April 2021. 

  3. What is the Maximum Token Supply of ATA?

    At the time of writing, the total supply of Automata Network is 1 billion ATA, with a circulating supply of 172 million ATA. 

  4. What Makes Automata Network Different From Others?

    Automata Network is a decentralized middleware service protocol in the Web3 environment that caters to privacy. According to Automata, it is intended to allow non-intrusive integration across various chains. Automata's native cryptocurrency is utilized as payment for gas costs, staking and compute incentives and governance voting on the network's proof of stake blockchain.

  5. How To Buy Automata Network (ATA)?

    Automata Network (ATA) can be purchased directly from Binance. Automata Network (ATA) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies. Live Automata Network coin price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, ATA price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How To Buy Automata Network (ATA) guide.

Binance Square

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