Arweave price

Arweave Pris (AR)

AR til RUB:
1 Arweave er lig med ₽556.94 RUB-4.88%1 d
Side sidst opdateret: 2025-03-18 20:25 (UTC+0)
Hvad synes du om Arweave i dag?
Bemærk: Disse oplysninger er kun til reference.

Dagens pris på AR

Den aktuelle pris på Arweave er ₽556.94 pr. (AR/RUB) med en aktuel markedsværdi på ₽36.56B RUB. 24-timers handelsbeløb er ₽2.77B RUB. Prisen på AR til RUB er opdateret i realtid. Arweave er -4.88% i de sidste 24 timer med et cirkulerende udbud på 65.65M.
AR Prishistorik RUB
DatosammenligningBeløbsændring% ændring
I dag
30 dage
60 dage
90 dage

Prisoplysninger om AR

24 timer høj/lav
Lav: ₽550.68
Høj: ₽582.03
Den højeste og laveste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Den højeste pris, der er betalt for dette aktiv, siden det blev lanceret eller opført på børsen.
Prisændring (1 t)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 1 time siden.
Prisændring (24 timer)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 24 timer siden.
Prisændring (7 d)
Den procentvise ændring i prisen for dette aktiv sammenlignet med for 7 dage siden.

Markedsoplysninger om AR

Popularitet er baseret på aktivernes relative markedsværdi.
Markedskapitalen beregnes ved at multiplicere aktivets cirkulerende udbud med dets aktuelle pris.
Volumen (24 timer)
Den samlede dollarværdi for alle transaktioner med dette aktiv inden for 24 timer.
Cirkulerende udbud
Antallet af coins, der cirkulerer på markedet, og som er tilgængelige for offentligheden til handel, svarende til offentligt handlede aktier på aktiemarkedet.
Samlet maksimalt udbud
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".
Fuldt udvandet markedsværdi
Det samlede antal coins, der nogensinde vil blive skabt til kryptovalutaen, svarende til fuldt udvandede aktier på aktiemarkedet. Hvis disse data ikke er leveret eller verificeret af CoinMarketCap, vises det maksimale udbud som "--".

Hvad kan du gøre med Arweave (AR)?

Udforsk, hvordan du bruger dine kryptovalutaer med Binance.

About Arweave (AR)

Arweave is a decentralized storage network that has the ability to operate in both Web3.0 and Web2.0 environments. The decentralized data-storage network was founded by entrepreneur and decentralized-system developer Sam Williams in 2017. 

Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, recently partnered with Arweave. Meta’s goal is to establish permanent records for creators of digital collectibles. This integration allows Instagram users to issue digital collectibles through their posts, which are then immutably stored on Arweave. As part of this process, the Arweave platform’s native token (AR) will be required to purchase the respective decentralized storage space. As the news of the Meta partnership was made public on 2 Nov 2022, Arweave price surged by up to 60% within 24 hours of the announcement.

Arweave is essentially marketed as a decentralized storage network, which uses its own unique Proof-of-Access blockhain consensus mechanism in order to provide digital storage to businesses and organizations. The data stored on Arweave is also backed up locally on the hard-disk space provided by network miners on the blockchain.

According to information published by Arweave, miners on the network are given the network cryptocurrency token, called AR, in exchange for providing storage space. This is then used to back up information stored on the blockchain “forever”, says Arweave.. Validators take part in the model by providing the cryptographic key for what is called a “recall block”, which loosely describes how transactions are verified on the chain.

The native Arweave cryptocurrency is known by the token ticker $AR. 

$AR tokens are used in the Arweave ecosystem as a digital asset, which is distributed to validators for their roles in validating transactions and storing data on the network indefinitely. The Arweave price is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Arweave

  1. What is AR Used For?

    AR, the native utility token of the Arweave decentralized network, is used to reward the provision of storage space that enables data to be stored on the blockchain, and backed up locally to the hard-disk space of each participating node.

    In addition to rewards for hard disk space, nodes are distributed a portion of fees for their assistance in processing network transactions. AR tokens are also available on the open market as a tradeable cryptocurrency, and used as a global blockchain-based digital store of value in peer-to-peer transactions.

  2. How Does Network Consensus and Validation Work on Arweave?

    Arweave implements a Proof-of-Access consensus algorithm model. In this mechanism, before being given permission to mine or add a new block to the blockchain, the validator node must first provide a key that shows it has access to what is referred to as a recall block. A recall block is an additional block to the previous block in the network, which is selected for the purpose of verifying validator nodes.

  3. Who Is the Arweave Founder?

    Arweave was founded in 2017 by British developer and tech entrepreneur Sam Williams. After going through the Techstars Berlin mentorship program, Arweave went live in June of 2018.

  4. What Is the Maximum Token Supply of AR?

    Of the reported 66,000,000 maximum supply of AR tokens, 33,394,701 are in active circulation at the time of writing (November 2022).

  5. What Makes Arweave Different From Other Projects?

    Data is stored on the Arweave blockchain itself, and then locally backed up on hard drive  thanks to the storage dedicated by validators, who agree to do so indefinitely. The decentralized manner of data storage is reportedly what interested Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, into integrating Arweave to its digital collectible proposition.

    Arweave also seeks to set itself apart through its mission, which is essentially to make data stored on the web accessible forever. This is the main concept behind the PermaWeb, the storage platform built on top of the Arweave blockchain. PermaWeb is one of several DApps said to already be contributing innovations developed on the Arweave blockchain.

  6. How To Buy Arweave (AR)?

    Arweave (AR) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. Arweave (AR) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. The live Arweave price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, AR price and purchase information is available for users on our How to Buy Arweave (AR) Guide.

  7. How Much Will Arweave Be Worth in Future?

    Check out our Arweave Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

Binance Square

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