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Crypto Solutions
$200,000 Profit in 5 Minutes Someone made $200,000 in just 5 minutes by trading meme coins on the Solana network. During the 2024 bull season, an investor turned 9 SOL (about $1,470) into 1238 SOL (worth $200,000) by buying and selling a meme coin. This means they made 137 times their initial investment. The Solana meme coin craze started with BONK in November 2023 and continued with WIF, showing similar quick gains even as the market fluctuates. In this case, the investor bought 28.5 million TOBI tokens with 9 SOL and sold them 5 minutes later after the price spiked, resulting in a huge profit. Such quick profits have become common on the Solana network, with many traders jumping in as soon as new projects gain liquidity. While some suspect insider trading, this particular trade with TOBI doesn't show clear signs of manipulation, although many still believe it was. #cryptosolutions

$200,000 Profit in 5 Minutes

Someone made $200,000 in just 5 minutes by trading meme coins on the Solana network. During the 2024 bull season, an investor turned 9 SOL (about $1,470) into 1238 SOL (worth $200,000) by buying and selling a meme coin. This means they made 137 times their initial investment.

The Solana meme coin craze started with BONK in November 2023 and continued with WIF, showing similar quick gains even as the market fluctuates.

In this case, the investor bought 28.5 million TOBI tokens with 9 SOL and sold them 5 minutes later after the price spiked, resulting in a huge profit. Such quick profits have become common on the Solana network, with many traders jumping in as soon as new projects gain liquidity. While some suspect insider trading, this particular trade with TOBI doesn't show clear signs of manipulation, although many still believe it was.


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