Binance Square
Crypto Solutions
People can say whatever they want about Notcoin ($NOT), but to me, it’s already a success. Many have doubted it, saying Notcoin is worthless, but today it's making history. In less than 17 minutes, Notcoin will be listed and traded on the world cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. This shows why it’s important to support and encourage people in their efforts, instead of discouraging them. Congratulations to everyone who believed in Notcoin—the future looks bright! #notcoin #cryptosolutions

People can say whatever they want about Notcoin ($NOT), but to me, it’s already a success.

Many have doubted it, saying Notcoin is worthless, but today it's making history.

In less than 17 minutes, Notcoin will be listed and traded on the world cryptocurrency exchange, Binance.

This shows why it’s important to support and encourage people in their efforts, instead of discouraging them.

Congratulations to everyone who believed in Notcoin—the future looks bright!

#notcoin #cryptosolutions

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