Binance Square
LONG #WUSDT  from $0.7006 stop loss $0.6971 1h TF. The coin is once again approaching resistance levels. Locally, there is an increase in volume and an uptrend pushing up price lows. After 2 levels, I expect to see the stops of the participants' shorts in a few touches, due to which the upward movement will continue. I am waiting for the formation of consolidation near the level, acceleration of the tape and an increase in volumes before the breakdown. #Cryptoz & @CScalpEN

LONG #WUSDT  from $0.7006 stop loss $0.6971

1h TF. The coin is once again approaching resistance levels. Locally, there is an increase in volume and an uptrend pushing up price lows. After 2 levels, I expect to see the stops of the participants' shorts in a few touches, due to which the upward movement will continue.

I am waiting for the formation of consolidation near the level, acceleration of the tape and an increase in volumes before the breakdown.

#Cryptoz & @CScalpEN

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