Binance Square
LONG #GLMUSDT  from $0.607 stop loss $0.6006 $GLM 2h TF. The GLM asset has a formed resistance level in several approaches, which has accumulated the stop losses of the participants behind it. Periodically, increased trading volumes enter the instrument and price minimums are compressed, which indicates the dominance of buyers. Before entering a trade, I observe a traded movement near the level and buying activity in the order book before the breakdown. #Cryptoz & @CScalpEN

LONG #GLMUSDT  from $0.607 stop loss $0.6006 $GLM

2h TF. The GLM asset has a formed resistance level in several approaches, which has accumulated the stop losses of the participants behind it. Periodically, increased trading volumes enter the instrument and price minimums are compressed, which indicates the dominance of buyers. Before entering a trade, I observe a traded movement near the level and buying activity in the order book before the breakdown.

#Cryptoz & @CScalpEN

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