Binance Square
crypto_MOJ news
This man is the only person that made me believe in telling the truth and it set u free but not totally free... The way he worked with the court and his sentence was reduced from 4-8 year to just four months... I pray nothing bad happens to him in jail... this is one of the reasons SATOSHI made the right choice to remain anonymous #SatoshiAirdrop #istandwithCZ #BTC #czprison $BTC $BNB

This man is the only person that made me believe in telling the truth and it set u free but not totally free... The way he worked with the court and his sentence was reduced from 4-8 year to just four months...

I pray nothing bad happens to him in jail...

this is one of the reasons SATOSHI made the right choice to remain anonymous #SatoshiAirdrop

#istandwithCZ #BTC #czprison $BTC $BNB

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