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Australia's Bitcoin spot ETF approval 🔜🚀🚀 Here are the latest updates on Australia's Bitcoin spot ETF approvel - *Australia is preparing for significant Bitcoin ETF launches*: Australian financial regulators are in talks to approve the first Bitcoin spot ETF product by the end of this year. - *11 Bitcoin spot ETF products are available in the US*: In January of this year, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved these applications. - *Following the approval of BTC ETF in the US & Hong Kong*: Australian players are also looking to bring their native Bitcoin spot ETF, before the end of this year. - *Australian Securities Exchange Could Approve Spot-Bitcoin ETFs*: At least two entities have applied with the ASX, and another is working towards it. - *DigitalX Ltd. applied in February*: VanEck resubmitted an application in February, it announced last month. Sydney-based BetaShares told Bloomberg it is working toward launching a product on the ASX. Comment yours point of view About the impact of ETF approval..?? #Fed #ScamRiskWarning #BTC #Australia $BTC $BNB $ETH

Australia's Bitcoin spot ETF approval 🔜🚀🚀

Here are the latest updates on Australia's Bitcoin spot ETF approvel

- *Australia is preparing for significant Bitcoin ETF launches*: Australian financial regulators are in talks to approve the first Bitcoin spot ETF product by the end of this year.

- *11 Bitcoin spot ETF products are available in the US*: In January of this year, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved these applications.

- *Following the approval of BTC ETF in the US & Hong Kong*: Australian players are also looking to bring their native Bitcoin spot ETF, before the end of this year.

- *Australian Securities Exchange Could Approve Spot-Bitcoin ETFs*: At least two entities have applied with the ASX, and another is working towards it.

- *DigitalX Ltd. applied in February*: VanEck resubmitted an application in February, it announced last month. Sydney-based BetaShares told Bloomberg it is working toward launching a product on the ASX.

Comment yours point of view About the impact of ETF approval..??

#Fed #ScamRiskWarning #BTC #Australia $BTC $BNB $ETH

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Important Factors before buying a newly launched coin 🪙 1. Research: 🤔 - Understand the project's purpose, technology, and potential use cases. - Read the whitepaper, website, and social media channels. 2. Team: 👦 - Check the team's experience, expertise, and track record. - Ensure the team is transparent and actively engaged with the community. 3. Market Capitalization: 💴 - Be cautious of coins with extremely low or high market caps. - Consider the coin's potential for growth and stability. 4. Trading Volume: - Look for coins with a decent trading volume to ensure liquidity. - Be wary of coins with very low trading volume. 5. Price Volatility: - Be prepared for price fluctuations, especially in the early stages. - Set realistic expectations and risk management strategies. 6. Community Support: - Check the coin's social media and online communities for engagement and sentiment. - A strong, supportive community can contribute to a coin's success. 7. Technical Analysis: - Study the coin's price charts and technical indicators. - Identify trends, patterns, and potential entry/exit points. 8. Security: - Ensure the coin is listed on reputable exchanges like Binance. - Be cautious of phishing scams and fake listings. 9. Regulatory Compliance: - Check if the coin complies with relevant regulations and laws. - Be aware of potential legal or regulatory risks. 10. Risk Management: - Set a budget and stick to it. - Don't invest more than you can afford to lose. Remember, investing in cryptocurrency carries inherent risks. Always do your own research and consider multiple factors before making a decision.#notcoin #notcoinprice #BinanceLaunchpool #NOT_coin $BTC

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