Binance Square
Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE
MASSIVE BITCOIN OUTFLOW EXPECTED AFTER HALVING 💰💥 An analyst predicts a substantial exodus of #Bitcoin from miners in the months post-halving, similar to past cycles. Calculations suggest miners might offload $5 billion worth of BTC post-halving, potentially pressuring prices for 4-6 months, as seen historically. This scenario could pose a significant challenge to crypto markets, resembling a six-month 'summer' recession, says the analyst. Following the 2020 halving, Bitcoin traded between $9,000 and $11,500 for five months, suggesting a potential sideways trend until October post-halving. Miners typically hoard BTC pre-halving, causing a supply/demand imbalance and price rally. This pattern repeated in 2024, with BTC hitting $73,734 before a mid-April dip below $63,000. Altcoins may bear the brunt, remaining below 2021 highs amid market turbulence. Marathon Digital, a key miner, may halve daily production post-halving, impacting market dynamics. The analyst warns if all miners follow suit in selling post-halving, a daily $104 million BTC sale could reverse the supply/demand imbalance that boosted prices pre-halving. Stay updated with Professor Mende #bitcoinhalving #btc #SHIB #HotTrens


An analyst predicts a substantial exodus of #Bitcoin from miners in the months post-halving, similar to past cycles.

Calculations suggest miners might offload $5 billion worth of BTC post-halving, potentially pressuring prices for 4-6 months, as seen historically.

This scenario could pose a significant challenge to crypto markets, resembling a six-month 'summer' recession, says the analyst.

Following the 2020 halving, Bitcoin traded between $9,000 and $11,500 for five months, suggesting a potential sideways trend until October post-halving.

Miners typically hoard BTC pre-halving, causing a supply/demand imbalance and price rally. This pattern repeated in 2024, with BTC hitting $73,734 before a mid-April dip below $63,000.

Altcoins may bear the brunt, remaining below 2021 highs amid market turbulence.

Marathon Digital, a key miner, may halve daily production post-halving, impacting market dynamics.

The analyst warns if all miners follow suit in selling post-halving, a daily $104 million BTC sale could reverse the supply/demand imbalance that boosted prices pre-halving.

Stay updated with Professor Mende

#bitcoinhalving #btc #SHIB #HotTrens

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