Binance Square
Could regulation have prevented Sam Bankman-Fried’s criminal verdict? Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried's verdict shines a spotlight on the importance of stringent financial regulations in the crypto space. The incident raises a critical question: Could a robust regulatory framework have prevented the $8 billion misadventure? #ftx #Pristrade #SamBankman-Fried #Pristrade_Binance

Could regulation have prevented Sam Bankman-Fried’s criminal verdict?

Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried's verdict shines a spotlight on the importance of stringent financial regulations in the crypto space. The incident raises a critical question: Could a robust regulatory framework have prevented the $8 billion misadventure?

#ftx #Pristrade #SamBankman-Fried #Pristrade _Binance

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